The WELLness of the Womb defINes the WELLness of the Woman.

The WELLness of the Womb and of the Woman defINes the WELLness of THE WHOLE.

THere IS an INHERent connection BEtween Woman and LIFE.


ThIS IS for what THE WORLD BEcomes when your Womanhood and WOMB are tended to.

What IS The WELL Womb Experience?

The WELL Womb experience IS a hands-on reverential ceremony that tends to your Womb and your Womanhood.

The experience starts with a deep drop IN to ensure that the WHOLE system feels Devoted to.

It IS a gentle, nourishINg, non-INvasive yet deeply movINg form of both external and INternal massage that IS designed to brINg the organs IN your digestive, reproductive and Sexual systems INto their Organic alignment / placement / position and tHerefore INto their optimal function.

It IS an allowance and arrival droppINg you INto relationship and rich care from Root to crown, from jaw to hips, from sacrum to spINe, from Breasts to BElly, to the Womb, vulva, vagINa, and cervix.

Together WE tend to the mysterious and miraculous matrix and collaborative complex of the tissues and fascia, the Blood and lymphatic Rivers, the muscles and Bones, the vital organs and All subtle energy centres withIN (and around) the Body.

Together WE Will trace a map of your Womb's ECOsystem - discoverINg wHere She feels relaxed, what feels good, wHere sensation IS restricted, wHere certaIN emotions / story's / memory's are held and so on.

The techniques and technologies worked with are Ancestral, primal and INtuitive while also BEINg rooted IN theology, anatomy, somatics, sexology, physiology, Spirituality and psychology.

Stagnancy IS moved through, contraction IS dissolved and circulation IS INvited IN, allowINg for multi-layered relaxation, regeneration, revitalization and restoration to BE experienced through you.

I Will also share practises for you to take Home with you for contINued INtegration.

A few days after your session, WE Will also have a check-IN and connection call so that I can offer you any further support.

What are the BEnefits of thIS experience?

+ stimulates lymphatic draINage and flow

+ strengthens immUNITY

+ INitiates detoxification processes

+ promotes nerve communication and relaxation

+ nervous system regulation

+ INcreases Blood circulation and cellular oxygenation

+ supports digestion

+ Harmonizes Female hormone profile

+ encourages Womb WELLness

+ restores Organic fertility (FERTILITY MATTERS WHETHER OR NOT ONE CHOOSES TO HAVE CHILDREN, as fertility IS a key INdicator of overAll health, WELLth and vitality)

+ scar tissue remediation (from surgery's, sexual trauma, Birth, medical trauma, and so on)

+ resensitization

+ reconnection

+ re-establishes craniosacral and craniocervical alignment

+ dissolves and rewires holdINg, contractINg, clenchINg, bracINg, grippINg and constrictINg patternINg IN the Body

+ gaIN Body awareness, literacy and fluency

+ trauma INtegration

What are the common symptoms relieved by thIS experience?

+ INfertility

+ miscarriges

+ INdigestion

+ constipation

+ displaced, prolapsed or retroverted uterus and / or bladder

+ paINful periods and sex

+ irregular menstrual cycles

+ endometriosis

+ ovarian cysts

+ uterINe fibroids

+ pelvic congestion and stagnancy

+ desensitization

+ disconnection

+ (emotional and physical) numbness

+ nervous system dysregulation

For the external massage portion, the experience HighLights a medicINal Herb that grows IN abundance IN Croatia - Rosemary.

WE Will BE workINg with a Rosemary-INfused oil, that was INfused by Rosemary that I foraged and made with my own hands.

IN Croatian folklore, Rosemary IS often associated with vitality, Purity, and protection. It IS believed to cleanse, INspire and protect the Spirit. The locals hold Rosemary dear to their HeARTs, INcorporating it INto culinary deLights, Homemade remedies, and traditional rituals.

Rosemary has long BEen appreciated for its ability to stimulate Blood circulation, reduce INflammation, balance hormones and promote relaxation, All of which promotes overAll Womb WELLness and WELLth.

Rosemary has long connections to the FemININe. The Name ORIGINated from the LatIN Word RosmarINus. The combINation of Rose and MarINus translates to “dew of the Sea.” The element of Water BEINg associated with the FemININE, fertility, conception, Birth and LIFE. Additionally, it IS said that Virgin Mary draped her blue cloak over a Rosemary bush, turnINg the Flowers from white to blue and thus givINg the Plant its Name ‘Rose of Mary’.

WE get INto INternal Body work, the second or third session, based on the first session.

How long IS thIS experience?

My work IS Devoted to the FEMININE PRINCIPLE and PATH. With that said, it does not feel True to place a time limit on a ceremony of thIS Nature. ThIS IS to dissolve any sense of rush and force and to INvite receptivity and flow.

Please allocate time and space for the entire day, so that WE can sit IN ceremony for however long WE are guided (by God).

What IS the INvestment for thIS experience?

ThIS experience IS available at a slidINg scale of 123€, 222€, 369€ or 444€ (that IS, you pay what you Choose).

The INvestment lINk IS not / Will not BE available to the public. If you feel the pull, you Will have to reach out personally to me by sendINg me an email.

ThIS IS to ensure that every person who INvests IS 100% IN resonance with the INtegrity and virtue of thIS experience and contaINer. ThIS IS to protect and preserve the sanctity of thIS experience and contaINer.

ThIS IS the INtake form that you Will have to fill out BEfore our shared experience: INTAKE FORM.

If you have any questions or INquiries or feel resonance Here, send an email to - I would Love to connect with you Sister.

Together WE WEave a Heavenly HERitage of FemININe WELLness and WELLth to nourish the collective HeART, Health and Home at the ROOT. To nourish the EARTh, Birth and the LivINg World at the ROOT.

May tHIS Devotion contINue to Water our Prayers.