BELoved of Christ,
What an Honor it IS to have you Here and to gather IN His salvific Name. I WELLcome you with Humble hands and a Humble HeART.
I celebrate you IN and congratulate you on your Choice to venture INto green pastures, not only to feed and feast … but to rest and regenerate. WHere tHere are both deLight and plenty. He Knows wHere the green pasture IS today IN the seemINgly desolate places, and I AM Grateful He lead you Here and that you obeyed His leadership.
Together WE Will dive INto the Miracle and Mystery of FemININity as God concieved and commanded it and, through Christ’s INtercession, step INto Eden — the paradisiacal Garden IN which the scriptures INvite us All to Live.
Let’s start with the essentials.
Gender IS a fundamental and foundational part of our emBodied, Human experience.
Scripture calls us to abandon the destructive struggle for domINance — whether Man over Woman or Woman over Man. IN doINg so, WE can BEar witness to the Truth: that Wholeness withIN our gendered identities IS not only possible, but available to anyOne and everyOne who claims and confesses what Christ alone has secured for us through His sacrifice on the Cross.
Scripture teaches us that Woman IS not God’s afterthought of Man. That Woman IS God’s amplifier of Man. That Adam, alone, IS simply a Man.
Adam — with Eve — conceives and gives Life to, the Human race. Eve transforms the INdividual INto the INfINite. Eve IS the space that gives the Seed its Purpose and place. Without Her, the Seed’s excellence and exquisiteness could not emerge.
Ultimately — the MasculiNe provides structure and substance, and the FemININe amplifies, nurtures, and brINgs it to full fruition / Life.
ThlS relationship echoes the Creational prINciples of Seed and Soil.
The Seed, a symbol of the MasculINe, contalNs potential, but it needs the nurturINg environment of the Soil, rePresentiNg the FemlNINe, to grow, blossom, and BEar Fruit.
Both are essential — as neither would fully actualize their Purpose, and full POTENTIAL, without the other.
The Truth IS: God made Men and Women EQUAL IN VALUE and different IN roles and responsibilities as Caretakers of Creation — and God made Men and Women complementary IN Nature and distINct IN callINg (vocation) as Caretakers of Creation.
Despite the clashINg and contradictory INformation on gender today, confusion and chaos around thIS topic has never BEen greater. While the academic and media INdustries (yes, INdustries) have (unnecessarily) complicated the issue, the Scriptures INvite us back to the sophisticated simplicity of the Garden. THere, IN the BEaUty of God’s Creation, MasculINity and FemININity are not complex, but direct and defINed.
Let us return to that place and remember and rediscover its wonders and Wisdom.
RestorINg FemININity for the KINgdom with you,