Before we dive IN today … let me start off by saying that there IS absolutely no judgment here … about you, your past, or who you’ve BEen. I AM not INterested IN who you’ve BEen …. I AM INterested IN who you are Choosing to BE Now. Everything that IS BEing reflected back at you IS coming from a place of Love, and from the High INtention that you experience the deeeeeeep medicine that IS CONSCIOUS SEX.

IN my personal BElief system “casual” sex doesn’t exist. 

Casual sex as IN, sex without “strings attached”. 

There are ramifications of sex without Purpose (or rather … PURITY OF PURPOSE). 

For starters, there are definitely energetic strings attached … as well as genetic codes. 

Did you Know that you hold sexual energy from a Lover for 7 years? (read that again). And TRULY let that land. 

When you think about it IN that way alone … you realize it’s not casual. 

It’s immensely meaningful. 

Consider that historically and on an evolutionary level, sex has BEen used as a tool / mechanism for bonding (BEfore and BEyond procreation and Pleasure). You cannot remove the emotion from sex. 

When you have sex with someone a large amount of oxytocin IS released ~ which HORMONALLY / chemically bonds you to this person as well. 

As just mentioned sex is ALSO an act of reproduction (procreation). 

Even if you do not reproduce IN the traditional sense by creating a child with someone, you are STILL reproducing E N E R G Y. 

If you are reproducing something, IN the wrong place, with the wrong person, and with the wrong energy and INtention … what could you possibly reproduce that IS positive? 

Brief attachment … with many people (especially over an extended period of time), will leave you feeling empty. 

As a Woman especially, you are literally letting someone enter you. 

You are giving someone permission to enter your INNERmost chamber. To commune with God with you … THROUGH YOU. To touch Eternity with you … THROUGH you.

BEfore you give this permission to someone … Truly consider if they are READY, capable, equipped, and qualified to HOLD what you are offering. 

Your p*ssy IS church, Queen. Access to your INNERmost chamber should only BE granted to Devout worshippers. 

You’re exchanging such INTIMATE INformation with the person you’re having sex with. And I Truly BElieve if more people Knew how deeeeep it really WAS / IS that they would BE soooo much more INtentional about who they share their Body’s with. 

When you fully INnerstand the Power, potency, creative Potential, sanctity and purity of sexual energy, you stop engaging IN casual sex. 

Sex IS the UNION / merging of Body’s, of consciousness, of DNA, of karma. 

You will never BE the same after that exchange. For better, or for worse. 

Sex IS so sacred. Sex can BE an access point to the Divine. To Unity. To the Self BEyond fragmentation and separation. 

We have BEen expecting very little from sex … for far too long. Settling for shallow sex, when what we really Desire IS deeeeeep … Life-altering, Heart-opening, paradigm-shifting, time-stopping …. sacred sex. 

Casual sex IS a form of pseudo-Pleasure. It feeds your flesh, while depriving and neglecting your Soul. Casual sex lacks depth … True INtimacy and True connection. Casual sex IS Truthfully … using someone else's Body to masturbate. Whereas sacred sex (TREATING SEX AS SACRED) humbles your flesh, and feeds your Soul. Sacred sex IS a profound meditation. A Holy communion. A dance with the force / source of creation. Sacred sex IS cosmic; IS transcendant. As Jake Woodward put it SO eloquently, and perfectly … “if there IS no merging of the Hearts, it IS merely two Bodies rubbing against each other.”

IN the age of rampant sexual reclamation / Liberation (which WE LOVE!) … there IS unfortunately a lot of unconscious promotion and encouragement of unintentional, disembodied and meaningless sexual exchanges ~~~~ which IS causing much more harm, than healing (for the INdividual, and for the collective). 

Something that IS Powerful to reflect on ~~~~ 

Are you Truly BEing Blessed (and purified) or are you BEing cursed, poisoned and / or siphoned through the sexual energy exchanges you are Choosing?

Sexual energy IS one of the most Powerful forces we possess as physical manifestations of source energy / creative potential.

Sexual energy literally creates Life.

Sexual Desire IS one of the most potent Humanistic Desires, and when engaged IN from a place of INnateness and INtegrity, harnessed properly, and directed with Purpose it can yield Truly magnificent results and outcomes. It can and does accelerate healing, creation and manifestation. 

The emotion of sex contains the secret of creative ability.

The Desire for sexual expression IS by far the strongest and most impelling of all Human emotions, and for this reason this Desire, when shared with an INdividual who IS sharing the INtention of sacred sex with you can allow you to access Higher and elevated states of consciousness, as well as greater levels of connection, INtimacy, Love, receptivity, creation, Well-BEing and Wellth. 

The moral of the story ~~~~ High vibrational dick ONLY for your Royal YONI, Queen! (lol …. I AM SERIOUS THOUGH!). 

It will chaaaaange your Life … Trust me.

IN deep Devotion and service to Love,

Your Mirror