IN a rapidly overwhelming world, amid a deluge of ideas and opinions, badgered with never ending (mis)INformation … how can you clearly see what is true .. real .. authentic?

Now more than ever WE are BEINg confronted with “good” and “evil” … “right” and “wrong.” It’s hard to determine the motives and Desires of others / of governments / of corporations / of organizations .. of everything and everyOne essentially.

How do you Know who and what to Trust?

IN my personal belief system, a key INgredient to Sovereignty IS developing a disposition of DISCERNMENT.

Discernment IS One of your BIGGEST ASSETS & ALLIES IN The World that WE Live IN.

Your discernment IS your INternal resource of and connection to Truth …  IN a time when many are outsourcing their Truth and BEINg wiiiiiildly led astray.

The POWER OF DISCERNMENT can make or break your ability to accurately access, recognize and use your INtuition (and therefore determine Your Truth). 

Your INtuition IS your INner guidance system. It simply Knows what your logical brain has no way of KnowINg.

INtuition IS a subtle, yet precise language that every Human BEINg has an INnate capacity for and natural INclination towards (when firmly grounded IN their Body). However, just like learning any language … it requires time, energy, Devotion, practice, Presence and attuning to master its delicate minutia.

To discern means to detect with senses other than vision (hence why INtuition plays a very important role here). 

The POWER OF DISCERNMENT IS a key that when the time & energy IS INvested to master Will open every door to the Truth of your Knowing and reward you with a clearer path to your (Chosen) destiny (yes I BElieve IN Destiny by design AKA choice … rather than fated and carved IN stone Destiny ~ that’s a conversation for another day though!).

The practice of discernment requires INtentional, ongoing cultivation of your Spiritual capacities … of tuning INto the subtle, yet omnipresent energetic information available to you IN the ether at Aaaaaall times.

Discernment INvites you to BE energetically, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually anchored IN the Here and Now … deeply present with the movement of Spirit. 

Discernment requires you to BE spacious and clear IN your channel.

Plain and simple: a channel that IS not clogged up IS more discerning.

How does a channel get clogged up? By constantly BEINg plugged INto other people’s channels (social media, TV, the news and so on) … and not INvesting enough time, space and energy BEINg plugged INto your OWN channel .. sitting with Self & Source.

(I often contemplate what would happen if the entire world digitally detoxed for an entire month. I often contemplate what would happen if the entire world disconnected to r e c o n n e c t . I Know the world would BE better BEcause of it.)

Discernment IS the cultivated and refined ability to distinguish between the Truth of “the Word”  and deceptive doctrines / distorted dogma. It enables a greater awareness BEYOND potential psychological biases, INdoctrination, ancestral, Childhood or INtergenerational programming / coding, and encourages detachments from illusions and distractions.

Discernment IS not a matter of simply telling the difference BEtween Truth and non-Truth; rather it IS telling the difference between Truth and almost Truth (what a mindf*ck … I Know).

Discernment IS clarity of Knowing & Truth.

Discernment IS NOT about confirming something you hope or Desire to BE true. It IS also not about confirming what you already BElieve to BE True.

When you hold tight to what you think you Know, there IS no room left for a new revelation.

IN my personal belief system (and Lived Human experience), there are 6 stages of discernment. 

  1. Gathering INformation (energetic and “physical”)
  2. Sifting gathered INformation through the filter that IS YOUR BODY 
  3. Sitting with SELF
  4. Seeking counsel (seeking information from people who you TRUST, who stand IN INTEGRITY, and who have Knowledge & experience, IS another key that can support you IN your process of discernment)
  5. Creative and communal dialogue & discourse
  6. Making a discovery / having a revelation that can Now INform a future action, reality and timeline

Discernment IS an INstrument designed to provide you with clarity on what IS reliable, real and True.

As discernment grows ~ non-Truth, confusion, misunderstanding and not Knowing dissolves.

Let your Choices BE INformed by (INternal) DISCERNMENT, over (external) PRESSURE / FORCE.

Here’s my INvitation to YOU …

Get deeply familiar with feeling Your Truth.

What does it feel like IN your Body when you are IN the presence of something that IS True (for you)?

For me it feels expansive. I get goosebumps … chills up my spine … buzzing IN my hands, a vibration that subtly courses through my Body … and an overall feeling of KNOWING. Of ease. Of safety. Of confirmation. Of resonance.

And just as important ~ what does it feel like IN your Body when you are IN the presence of something that is not True (for you)?

For me it feels contractive. My Heart starts to race … my Breath gets dysregulated … my stomach gets tied IN a knot … and an overAll feeling of DISCOMFORT. Of unease. Of unsafety. Of distortion. Of dissonance.

RECOGNIZE that what IS Your Truth … may not necessarily BE aligned with what others believe to BE their Truth (AND THAT IS OKAY). Your Truth IS your responsibility, and their Truth IS theirs.

What’s BEcome VERY clear over the last 2 years IS that discernment IS an area where most people on their path to Sovereignty stumble.

The KEY to LivINg an immutable, uncompromisable, and unmanipulatable Life lies IN your ability to exercise discernment IN every conversation, IN every INteraction and IN every exchange. Discernment IS about having the ability to measure the things that you have BEen taught and told, against the INfallible Knowledge of: what IS MY Truth … and what IS IN Service to WHOLENESS AND INTEGRITY? (and Trusting that it Will Serve its purpose for the Whole) 

Your INner compass / guidance system IS INforming you of what IS Truth and non-Truth according to YOUR UNIQUE LIFE JOURNEY. It IS necessary for you to Honor the discernment that your INner compass / guidance system has provided. Without it, you put yourSelf at risk of BEINg constantly tossed around by the waves of The Worldaround you.

HAVE the courage to follow Your Truth. It will NEVER lead you astray.

IN Devotion to y(our) WHOLENESS,
