The definition of vulnerability IS "uncertainty, risk and exposure".

The simplest way to conceptualize what vulnerability looks like and feels like IS ultimately: the Willingness to SHOW UP, and to BE seen without BEINg able to control the outcome or receptivity of those with whom you share your vulnerability with. 

Let’s clarify one IMPORTANT piece here ~ contrary to popular belief / narratives, vulnerability IS NOT weakness. It takes immense strength to BE vulnerable. 

Fundamentally, and vibrationally, vulnerability IS a sacred and radical act (and measure) of COURAGE. 

Vulnerability does not exist without courage.

Courage comes from the Latin word ‘cor’, meaning ‘Heart’.

Courage ORIGINally meant "to speak one's mind by telling All One's Heart."

The Word courage denotes the Heart, as the throne of TRUTH. 

IN order to BE VULNERABLE, One must step out of the preordained, INhibited, protective and limited realm of the MIND … and INto the spacious, Trusting, expansive and INfinite realm of the Heart. 

There IS no use erecting barricades of protection around you (by only expressing and emBodying a fragment of WHO YOU KNOW YOU ARE) while hoping at the same time that others Will see and get to experience the abundant, flourishing and blossoming garden of unconditional Love that IS seeded, and that grows withIN you.

The walls that you build, and the flawless public facades that mask your True INternal experience stifles your True essence from BEINg Known to others.

Every act of vulnerability IS an act of confronting and INtegrating a defragmented aspect of yourSelf (that you feel IS too much, not worthy of expression or acKnowledgment, not Lovable, undesirable and so on). 

As such, every act of vulnerability IS an act of MERGING with your CORE Self. 

Every act of vulnerability IS an act of SELF-RECLAMATION.

Vulnerability IS an INternal paradigm shift where the Heart actively graduates from a compromised state of fear, and INto a Whole new caliber of LOVE (and therefore ... Creation). 

Vulnerability IS the antidote to the hardened world that WE Live IN.

Vulnerability IS your superPower.