Many cultures teach us that the spaces BEtween events are as significant and meaningful as the events themSelves.

Japanese culture, for example, holds the concept of ma — meaning the spaces or INtervals BEtween objects, action and activity — IN the Highest regard.

Westerners would likely refer to the space BEtween you and I, or BEtween a Prayer and Provision as empty/.

IN Japanese culture this space IS referred to as “full of nothing.” No-thing = every-thing. The void IS FULL of potential.

Italian culture, for example, holds the concept of dolce far niente — meaning sweet nothing / sweet idleness — IN the Highest regard.

It IS the art of doing nothing, and IN that nothingness experiencing the INnate INjoyment and enrichment of the Eternal Now.

It IS IN these moments where the experience of time slows & stretches … and you can capture the True Nature of Life's sophisticated simplicity.

Chinese culture, for example, holds the concept of Wu Wei — meaning not to act / non-action — IN the Highest regard.

It IS the art of letting one's action follow the simple, spontaneous and sophisticated course of Nature / Will of the DivINe, rather than imposing arbitrary and artificial forms of action unto oneSelf (thereIN INterfering with the Harmonious workings of the Organic INtelligence encoded IN All of Creation).  


It IS the cultivation of a state of BEINg where our personal actions are effortlessly Informed by and aligned with the dance and flow of Life.

IN the World that WE Live IN where “time IS money,” “keeping busy” IS of High value and VIRTUE,  and IS generally considered a good thing; while “doing nothing” signals “wasted time”.

IN the Western World even LEISURE time IS meticulously scheduled IN and diligently organized. WE Live IN a culture where it IS not uncommon for people to run on a treadmill for an hour “to relax.” WE Live IN a culture where people avoid the “awkwardness” of silence, or the mystery of the VOID, or experiencing BOREDOM, at All costs.

Living IN-TIME … by DOING NOTHING requires a FERAL FAITH IN the dynamics of change, and IN Nature’s Organic INtelligence and UNFOLDING.

When silence, the void, boredom and NOTHINGNESS are respected, and valued rather than FEARED (due to BEINg misunderstood), it ceases to BE “wasted time”.

At the end of the day … WE MAKE TIME, FOR WHAT WE VALUE.

I value Creation, and CREATIVITY … therefore I value and prioritize “doing nothing”.

Creation / Creativity IS the space BEtween silence, the void, boredom and nothingness (which IS under-stimulation) and anxiety (which IS overstimulation). 

You see ... silence, the void, boredom and nothingness are CATALYSTS FOR CREATION.