"Above All else, guard your Heart, for everything you do flows from it." PROVERBS 4:23

This proverb emphasizes the importance of guarding the entrance to / of your Heart, which IS ultimately the throne of your INtegrity.

This proverb emphasizes the importance of only allowing that which builds you UP to enter INto and through your Heart and to deny entrance to anything that breaks you down and that CORRUPTS your Heart and therefore your INtegrity.

When your Heart IS full of God’s (IMPECCABLE) Word you are a storehouse of what IS Pure & True and you protect yourSelf from false doctrine and dogma. Keeping guard of the entrance to / of your Heart IS a way of protecting yourSelf from lies, deception and fragmentation which ultimately compromise your INnocence and therefore INtegrity.

Your Choice and action IS driven by what RESIDES IN YOUR HEART. When you let impurity enter your Heart you Will operate from distorted motives and values. When you are a storehouse of what IS Pure & True your Choice(s) and action(s) Will BE Life-affirming and Life-giving and you Will continue to walk the altruistic, righteous, virtuous, peaceful and prosperous path that God INtended for you (FOR US ALL).

Your Heart IS your Life BEcause your Life IS directed by what it IS IN your Heart.

What story’s you tell and therefore what Life you LIVE depends on what IS IN your Heart. The fullness / Wholeness or emptiness of your Heart determines your Choices(s) and action(s) … and therefore the COURSE of your Life.

Both the quantity and quality of the harvest from your Garden of Life depends on the condition of your Heart.

When you pour from a corrupt Heart your Garden of Life Will suffer. When you pour from a corrupt Heart it Will cause dis-ease, disorder and disHarmony IN your Garden of Life.

When you pour from a PURE Heart your Garden of Life Will thrive and BE FRUITFUL.

May you have a Faithful Friday BELoved ♡

With Love,
