I had a thought the other day …,
If proCreation happens IN a state of nakedness, and WE are Born INto the World naked, it Naturally follows that the act of givINg Birth IS most suitably embraced IN nakedness.
The thought came to me after noticINg how, IN Birth videos shared onlINe —Home Births INcluded — Women are almost alWays partially or fully clothed. It’s strange, ISn’t it? WE’re engagINg IN the most primal, primeval Creational act, yet, it’s layered and suffocated with clothINg. It feels … out of place? And, it ultimately disrupts the Edenic Purity of the moment.
What’s even more peculiar IS that much of thIS IS tied to the fact that these experiences are documented and shared on the INternet. ClothINg BEcomes less about comfort, function or even modesty — and more about the appealINg to the gaze of others and ensurINg “shareability”.
Birth IS not and was never meant to BE a performance, spectacle or spectator sport. It was / IS meant to BE a remembrance and restoration of the BARE BEGINNINGS of All of Life. A contINuity of our ORIGIN — unclothed and uncovered.
If WE look back to the Garden of Eden, when God Created Adam and Eve — Male and Female — they WEre naked and unashamed, LivINg IN Harmony with their Creator and with Creation itself. Nakedness IN Eden wasn’t just a state of physical BEINg — it rePresented Purity, UNITY, commUNION, alignment with God’s design and obedience to God’s Will.
Nakedness then, IN sanctified contexts, IS not just Natural; it IS an echo of the very BEgINnINg, wHere and when Life was Created. It IS a return to the simplicity, sanctity and SINLESSNESS of the paradisiacal Garden IN which the Scriptures INvite us All to Live.
May the Love of Christ BE with you and compel you,