WELLcome to Part 2 (of 3) of the "OfflINe Oasis Series,” a series Devoted to discussINg and rememberINg what it means to lead and Live a sanctified Life, IN the age of digital saturation.

Through a nostalgic reflection on the pre-technology era, an exploration of the culture of sharINg Birth story’s onlINe, and a compellINg argument for protectINg and preservINg Children’s INnocence and INtegrity from the omniPresent gaze of social media, thIS series INvites you to question the pervasive (unNatural) norm of overexposINg OneSelf. It encourages you to consider the impact of your digital footprINt on your identity, relationships, and Children.

ThIS thought-provokINg collection delves INto how discretion IS exercised IN today’s INcreasINgly digitized space and IS meant to INspire an INdividual and collective reevaluation of what WE share, how WE share, whom WE share with, wHere WE share, why WE share and the legacy WE leave BEhINd, IN the digital ether.

IN the last year, my attention has BEen drawn, more keenly than ever, to the phenomenon of Birth story’s transformINg INto commodities. THere's BEen a noticeable wave of Women steppINg INto MotHERhood (a moment to Truly celebrate, Praise God!), yet … what's even more evident — IS the speed at which these Traditionally sanctified moments are turned INto public spectacles for All to see. I AM TALKING WITHIN HOURS / DAYS. CertaINly withIN the first forty days (a Traditionally treasured time, cross-generationally and cross-culturally).

Remarkably, for the vast majority of these MotHERs, the INk of their BirthINg experiences barely dry BEfore images and narratives are curated for public consumption. ThIS observation prompts me to ponder — IN those irreplaceably formative, first moments of Life, how does holdINg One’s phone, supersede the primal act of holdINg One's newBorn Baby?

ThIS IS a sINcere question I have, not a judgement.

The contradiction strikes me most sharply when considerINg those withIN the Wholistic Womb WELLness space — proclaimed protectors and preServers of the prINciples of physiologic conception, pregnancy, Birth and postpartum care. Yet, amidst their own BirthINg processes, the Presence of tripods, spotLights and multiple cameras (to capture multiple angles) seems to starkly contrast with the values they make claims to.

On One hand, these Women recognize the (destructive and degenerative) ripple effects of Birth practises (that disturb the physiological Birth process) on the long-term WELLBEINg of both MotHER and Child — on the other hand, they post a video of their Baby’s head crownINg out of their VagINas, as if it’s as casual as postINg a pretty Flower they saw on a midday walk.

On the surface, thIS disparity may seem merely INcongruent, however at its core, it reveals a profound disconnection and a departure from the very prINciples they claim to protect and preServe.

To participate IN thIS prevailINg culture, while professINg to champion the protection and preServation of physiological Birth, IS not just lackINg IN foresight — it IS perilously myopic.

WE All Know the Women I AM eludINg to — as their INtention IS to make themSelves Known. I don’t need to Name them, BEcause chances are, you already Know their Names.

IN the midst of their own first forty days, they take to social media, preachINg and teachINg about the value and vitality of HonorINg the first forty days. Yet, the irony does not escape me. IN doINg so — they fail to practise the very prINciples they preach and teach.

I can’t help but wonder (and Truthfully, worry about) what the Spiritual impact IS of havINg your Birth broadcast on the Worldwide INternet, consumed and commented on by the masses.

As aforementioned IN Part 1: The Digital Deluge

Once upon a time, private INformation (such as the Birth of a Child, for example) was circulated among a limited and tight-knit social sphere consistINg of Family and Friends (by Word of mouth, written Word or photograph).

It goes without sayINg that tHere IS no event more existentially significant to our Human experience than Birth (and how WE exit the Womb and enter the World).

I propose that the act of broadcastINg One’s Birth story has unseen, yet, very substantial effects on the Spiritual fabric of both the MotHER and the Child INvolved, the overAll FAMILY SYSTEM and tHerefore the LivINg World.

Have you considered the endurINg impact on Generation Alpha (2010 — 2025), aptly dubbed Generation Glass?

Their arrival coINcided with the rise of iPhones (2007), Facebook (2012), Instagram (2016), and TikTok (2017), placINg them at the HeART of an unprecedented Human experiment. ThIS IS a generation whose formative years are deeply INtertwINed with the omniPresence of the INternet.

How Will thIS constant digital immersion (BEfore they are even able to consent) affect their development, their sense of Self, and their INnerstandINg of BElongINg?

Generation Alpha rePresents a crucial turnINg poINt, emBodyINg the first Truly digital natives whose Lives, learnINg, and LEGACIES Will BE just as defINed by their onlINe existence, as their physical One (if not, even more so).

The Spiritual implications of such exposure are yet to BE fully comprehended and revealed. However, it IS critical to ponder how thIS constant digital engagement shapes their Lived experience of privacy and INtimacy.

ThINk about how many Children’s existence, from the very conception of their Life, IS documented, dissected, and dispersed across the digital landscape.

It starts with a photograph of a positive pregnancy test BEINg shared, which IS eventually followed up with a photograph of an ultrasound BEINg shared … and it’s a slippery slope from tHere.

While I AM Here, let’s normalize not needINg to pee on plastic sticks to confirm what our Body’s already Know — and not needINg to get ultrasounds IN order to rest IN the Miracle and MYSTERY of conception, pregnancy and Birth.


Have you ever (Truly) reflected on the oddity and / or gravity of revealINg the most INtimate INterior of your Body to countless strangers across social media?

The catalyst for my deep contemplation on these matters was a conversation I had late last year with a BELoved Sister, who to my (pleasant) surprise, revealed She was soon to give Birth. ThIS was the first time, I'd heard of Her pregnancy.

It wasn't that I expected the usual digital announcements — a pregnancy test photo or an ultrasound scan from Her was unlikely. However, I had expected at least a glimpse INto her journey, perhaps a photo of Her growINg BElly.

The complete absence of ANY pregnancy disclosure resonated with me profoundly. Her Choice to keep it IN a close circle was both refreshINg and radical, considerINg every other Woman IN my circle had openly documented their conception journeys onlINe, from the first announcement to the Birth itSelf (IN varyINg Ways and degrees). To BEhold Her IN thIS Choice Served as a site of remembrance and a poINt of REFERENCE for me.

IN that moment, a Path I had INtuited was possible, yet that remaINed elusive IN my direct experience, was illumINated. The realization struck with a clarity that immediately transformed my HeART. It wasn't just a revelation; it was a confirmation of my deepest convictions, IN a Way I had never observed IN the tangible actions of others around me.

A journey of conception, pregnancy, Birth and postpartum steeped IN privacy, uncontamINated by the digital gaze.

Mmmmmmm, what a Breath of fresh air.

I recently watched a Woman’s Birth documentary and what stuck with me the most was how Her Husband / the FatHER prioritized pullINg out His phone and capturINg (more) evidence of the Birth, than actually BEINg Present IN the flesh and offerINg His entire Spirit to that moment. I quite literally screamed out IN horror “Oh my God. No!! Why?! BE with them right Now!” as I watched Him frantically fumblINg to grab His phone, open His camera and position it to get the “right angle”. My HeART sank … and IN that moment it dawned on me how many Parent’s Presence IS fragmented IN these most precious moments BEcause of the modern day conditionINg to document absolutely everythINg.

The Truth IS, every person Present IN One’s Birth space IS effectively an INtervention and imposition on physiological Birth. A disruption. HavINg a camera IN the space and that “eye” on you falls INto thIS category as WELL.

Birth IS not a spectator sport.

It IS a process that demands a private environment, not the INtrusive glare of spectators (especially spectators who are complete strangers to you). To treat it as a spectator sport IS to strip it of its dignity and INtegrity reducINg it to what end’s up BEINg entertaINment for many / most.

Birth, IN its Truest and Purest form, IS a Rite of Passage that IS meant to BE shielded from the public eye, held and Honored IN the sanctified space it necessitates, under the LovINg gaze of God, the ORIGINal MidWife.

It feels important to Name the subtle, yet unmistakable undercurrent of boastINg withIN thIS sharINg, that IS loudly INsistent.

ThIS kINd of disclosure seeks acclaim, admiration and applause for the act of givINg Birth, which treads on grounds reserved for God, the Creator of Life.

WE forget that Birth IS not meant to Glorify the MotHER — it's meant to Glorify God.

ThIS fundamental Truth often fades INto the background amidst the adulation directed at the strength, Devotion, and perseverance of the MotHER. All of which IS supplied and sustaINed by God.

The sharINg of One's Birth story has morphed INto a form of social currency — a commodity to BE exchanged IN the marketplace of likes, comments, and shares.

The transactional Nature of thIS culture seeks not just to INform or INspire but to elevate the sharer's social standINg (withIN their select CommUNITY), to validate their “value”, and, quite paradoxically, to affirm their Spiritual superiority.

ThIS trend extends BEyond the personal and INto the professional, wHere the sharINg of Birth story’s has BEcome and IS a tool to go viral, attract followers, and to lure clients.

BEneath the veneer of education, encouragement and emPowerment, tHere exists a tangible layer of self-centrism. What BEgINs as a seemINgly noble INtention can often BEcome (and IS) muddled by an underlyINg Desire for praise.

Every nano-moment — from Life (conception) to Birth to Death IS masterfully Planned by Him.

It's He who forms Life IN the Womb, who knits together every INtricate detail of our BEINg, and who Breathes the Breath of Life INto every newBorn Child.

ThIS IS why the greater Glory BElongs to Him. It alWays has and it alWays Will.

When our HeARTs are postured to what and WHO IS Eternal, WE can share Birth stories IN a Way that attribute the Glory rightfully to God.

ThIS orientation doesn't lessen the significance of the MotHER’s role or Her experience; rather, it amplifies it. It acKnowledges and affirms Her participation co-writINg a chapter IN a much larger story authored by God.

ThIS IS not a plea to silence the sharINg of Birth Story’s.

Rather, it IS an INvitation to return to the timeless tradition of sharINg these stories through the spoken Word. Let's restore the art of oral storytellINg, wHere each tale of Birth IS passed from One Voice to another, allowINg for the richness of the experience to resonate IN a Way that photographed and / or filmed stories cannot capture. By sharINg our stories verbally, WE INvite a more INtimate exchange, One wHere the listener can engage directly with the teller, free from the constraINts of INterpretation that visual media impose.

IN HumblINg ourSelves BEfore these Truths, WE fINd the Highest form of connection and celebration — One that Honors the BEaUty, Bounty and BLESSING of Birth BEyond the lens.


BE sure to tap INto Part 1 and 3 of thIS series, if you haven’t already — THE DIGITAL DELUGE and CRYPTOCHILDHOODS.