It aaaaain’t noooooo secret …
Socio-culturally as Women we have BEen highly conditioned to hide our breasts, to suffocate them, to BE afraid of exposing our nipples, to compare the appearance or size of ours to another Woman’s, to judge them and to ultimately BE disconnected to (or disembodied) from a VERY IMPORTANT & POTENT ASPECT OF OURSELVES (anatomically, and psycho-spiritually).
Lean IN for a moment … BE radically honest with yourSelf, and truly ask yourSelf:
when IS the last time I showed my breasts Love?
when IS the last time I connected with my breasts?
what IS my current relationship like with my breasts? distant? present? judgmental? Loving?
For the last two years I have incorporated breast massage INto my Self-service practise … and it has lead to a paradigm shift IN how I relate to my Body overall .. as well as my sexuality, sensuality, creativity and FEMININITY.
Working with breast massage IS an amazing way to RESOURCE YOURSELF and to SELF-SOOTHE IN times of high stress, high emotionality, IN a triggered moment, IN an activated state, when you are feeling anxious, doubtful or unsure of yourSelf. It IS also one of my go-to practises to stimulate creativity, and to move stagnant energy out of my Body. It IS sooooo simple, yet suuuuch a profound experience every single time. Not to mention the fact that my breasts have substantially (and noticeably) grown IN size … and are more perky and happy since making this a devoted practise.
I wholeHeartedly BElieve that every Woman would BEnefit from a breast massage practise hence why I feel the call to share this elaborate piece with you.
Communing with your breasts, and experiencing them as a source of energy, creativity, inspiration, vision, connection and Pleasure, IS a radical, empowering and revolutionary Choice (for you, your foreMothers and the Heiress(es) to y(our) Throne).
It IS also a Poooooowerful stand for your health (and we aaaaall Know health is reaaaaal WELLTHHHHHH).
If you feeeeel INtrigued / the pull to elevate your relationship with your breasts (and to live from the RADIANT AND WILD TRUTH OF YOUR HEART AS A RESULT)… keeeeeep reading sister.
I AM goingggg to break it aaaaall down for you.
A devoted breast massage practice supports you IN …
The breasts are located at the level of the Heart chakra.
They are known to BE both the Gatekeepers of the Heart, as well as the ANTLERS of the Heart.
They are known to BE (energetic) extensions of your Heart.
When you choose to INtentionally cultivate a relationship with your breasts, you are able to return to the Home of your INner child. You are able to return to your INnateness. Your wholeness. Your fullness. Your holiness. Your purity. Your INnocence. Your INtelligence.Your orgasmic opulence. Your Power. Your creative potential. Your Pleasure. You are able to access keys and codes to illuminated doorways withIN. .
Your Heart IS perhaps the most important center IN y(our) subtle energy Body. An open Heart chakra IS INTEGRAL to an individual's ability to express and embody Love. This includes both Self-Love as well the expression and embodiment of Love towards others. This includes both GIVING AND RECEIVING LOVE.
Breast massage supports you IN cultivating a Heart-centred disposition IN life.
Breast massage IS a Powerful tool to cultivate what IS called COHERENCE.
Coherence IS a state when the Heart & mind are IN energetic alignment and cooperation, according to the HeartMath Institute. “It IS a state that builds resilience – personal energy IS accumulated, not wasted – leaving more energy to manifest INtentions and harmonious outcomes.” It IS a marker of physiological resilience and behavioral flexibility, and reflects y(our) ability to adapt effectively to adversity, stress and environmental demands.
Ultimately, breast massage supports you IN leading with your Heart, and leading with Love.
This IS BIG medicine for the world right now.
Breast massage strengthens and tonifies your immune system (au naturelle ~ like y(our) ancestors intended, youuu feeeeeeel me?!).
The lymphatic system IS essentially a system of highways. It IS defined as a network of tissues and organs that help to get rid of the toxins, waste and other unwanted materials from your Body.
The toxins, waste and other unwanted materials are carried out through the lymphatic passages, lymphatic liquid, and the lymphatic nodes. The nodes filter the lymphatic fluid and remove bacteria, foreign invaders, viruses, pathogens and other toxins from your Body.
The lymphatic system IS dense IN the breast and underarm region of the Body (view the graphic below for reference). This area IS one of the centres of the lymphatic system, hence why it IS very important that there IS a free flow of energy, prana and blood there. When there IS stagnation IN this space (especially chronically) it can lead to cysts, anxiety, tightness IN your chest, pain IN your breasts, a disconnect from your creative channel, and even breast cancer.

Breast massage also supports and nourishes the functions of both your thymus gland, and vagus nerve (both of which OPTIMIZE / BOOST IMMUNE FUNCTION).
One of the most important links between the Heart chakra and a physical organ IS seen IN the association of the Heart chakra with the thymus gland. For yeeeeeeears doctors thought it was normal for the thymus gland to atrophy IN size and function as an individual grew older. What IS BEing discovered now IS that this age-related evolution of the thymus gland may not BE a universal phenomenon. IN those who do have thymic atrophy IN later years, there has BEen an observed relationship between loneliness, depression, blockage of the Heart chakra, and a loss of glandular function. New science IS emerging that suggests an energetic link / relationship between emotion and immunologic function. Those who harbour fear, grief, Heartbreak, sadness, betrayal, and loneliness can have weaker immune systems and immune responses. Those who feel like they belong, who are Living IN / ON Purpose, and who feel Loved can have stronger and more resilient immune systems and immune responses.
Medical science now acknowledges that the thymus gland does IN fact play a significant role IN the regulation of the immune response. Researchers are not beginning to discover Powerful regulatory hormones that are produced by this gland. These thymus hormones are called thymosins. Thymosins fall INto the category of “biological response modifiers (BRMs)” which are substances that modify immune response. Thymosins influence an individual’s ability to fight off disease throughout their entire life by enhancing the activity of the different types of t-lymphocytes. This IS why INtentional regulation / modulation of the thymus gland’s hormonal activity can also influence dis-eases that have an immunologic basis (like auto-immune dis-eases for example). Many diverse diseases may BE indirectly affected by the immune regulation of the thymus gland, which IS, effectively, influenced by the activity of the Heart chakra.
Moral of the story: the optimal flow of energy through the Heart chakra IS an INtegral factor IN the proper functioning of the thymus gland, and thus, the Body’s immune competence.
The vagus nerve IS a double twined nerve that emerges from the brain stem and runs the entire length of your torso … and goes aaaaaall the way to your colon. It IS rightfully named after the Latin word for wandering, because it wanders down the Body, touching the Heart and almost all major organs on its way, and IS known as the the longest nerve IN your entire nervous system. Like a system of roots running down the back of your neck, branching off to the left and right side of your chest, it’s responsible for interphasing with the parasympathetic control of your Heart, digestive system, adrenal cortex, immune system and nervous system.
The Vagus Nerve IS also a central player IN (and connector of) the gut-brain axis. This IS significant because over 70% of y(our) IMMUNITY IS MADE IN Y(OUR) GUT. R e a d that again.
The Vagus Nerve IS constantly transmitting signals from the immune system to the brain. Signals from the Vagus Nerve actually control the immune system’s function, as well as the Body’s inflammatory responses.
Breast massage IS a Powerful way to strengthen vagal tone / tone your Vagus Nerve.
Vagal tone — or how strong your vagus nerve IS has a direct impact on your digestion, immunity, metabolism, and emotional regulation.
A toned Vagus Nerve leads to a parasympathetic state.
When you are IN a parasympathetic state you are also IN what’s known as a state of “REST AND DIGEST.”
This IS when your Body IS at ease … and when your INner environment IS most conducive for healing, harmony and vitality.
The roots of our right side brain reach deeeeep INto y(our) Heart.
The right hemisphere of the brain IS responsible for creativity, imagination, and INtuition.
This IS why communing with your Heart via your breasts fortifies your relationship with your right side brain, and reinforces creative pathways.
Think about the word Heart. heART.
Art comes from the Heart. Love IS the seed.
ALL Creation comes from the Heart and IS Love.
When your Heart feels safe … your ART feels safe to BE expressed INto the world.
When your Heart feels safe … your Truth feels safe to BE expressed INto the world.
When your Heart feels safe … your sexuality, sensuality and creativity feel safe to BE expressed INto the world.
When your Heart IS open … you create & cultivate the INternal conditions for your INborn creative genius to emerge.
Not surprisingly, finding comprehensive and sound INformation about female anatomy, physiology neurology and reproductive & sexual organs IS well … difficult to say the least.
What we do Know IS that the cervix has nerves …. 3 pairs of nerves IN fact. These nerves travel to the left and right sides of the brain, and include: the pelvic nerve, the hypogastric nerve, and the vagus nerve (which bypasses the spinal cord and sends INformation directly to the cervix from the brain, and vice versa). This IS noteworthy and honestly … quite remarkable because there isn’t any other organ that receives sensory input from 3+ pairs of nerves. The 4th one involved IN female anatomy and neurology BEing the pudendal nerve which connects the clitoris to the brain.
The graphic below shows the innervation of the reproductive organs and how they connect to the brain.

Barry Komisaruk has played a significant role IN building research and representation of the female genitals and sexual / reproductive organs IN relation to the sensory cortex. Until his research was published IN 2012 the only research and representations we had to work with pertained to male anatomy. Barry’s work and study’s used functional MRI technology to measure stimulation from different parts of the Body, like the cervix, vagina, clitoris and nipples.
Below are the MRI results:

Here are the findings:
~ the clitoris, cervix, and vagina send nerve impulses to the same area IN the remedial paracentral lobule of the brain, at the top of the head between the two halves of the brain
~ the sensory cortical regions activated by each of the three genital regions are “to some extent separable and distinct”
~ these findings are evidence that vaginal and cervical stimulation is NOT just an indirect stimulation of the clitoris, but that these areas have distinct sensory projections
~ these findings are supportive evidence that there are multiple types of orgasms (IN terms of how it IS experienced IN the Body, and where it IS localized)
And most pertaining to this conversation …
~ stimulating the nipples also Lights up the same part of the brain (as the clitoris, cervix and vagina)
A devoted breast massage practise supports you IN FORTIFYING these Pleasure associations and FUSING these Pleasure pathways.
A devoted breast massage practise creates and cultivates these CONNECTIONS which effectively gives you easier access to Pleasure … and which overall amplifies your experience of Pleasure.
I Know there was a point IN my Life where the only people who had ever really touched my breasts were my Lovers / partners and my doctor (this was juuuuuust a few years ago). I Know there was a point IN my Life where I had ABSOLUTELY no relationship with my breasts. Physically or energetically. They were kind of just there. Knowing what I Know now, I recognize that I completely shut off an entire Pleasure pathway by denying a relationship with my breasts. And Truthfully, it makes my Heart ache knowing how many Women are victimizing themSelves IN that same (conditioned) way.
Working with breast massage has really supported me IN resensitizing to and reorienting towards Pleasure … and bringing Presence (and eventually Pleasure) where there has historically BEen numbness, chronic tenderness or pain (IN my breasts, Heart and Womb).
Energetically speaking … and IN the wise words of the legendary Kim Anami ~ “when you open a Woman’s Heart, you open Her Vagina.”
Ain’t that the TRUTH! Or at least it’s something I have come to KNOW as Truth IN my Body.
What I have experienced and learned IS that: the more you are able to INvite PRESENCE and therefore Pleasure INto your breasts (and your Heart) … the more you will BE able to INvite PRESENCE and therefore Pleasure INto your Womb.
When there IS COHERENCE IN YOUR HEART, you organically experience and RECEIVE more Pleasure and are able to access your (INnate) omni-orgasmic state.
Deeeeep Bows,
Your Mirror