If abortion ISn’t murder, why IS it considered a double homicide when a pregnant Woman IS killed?

Those who are pro-Choice argue that abortion IS not murder BEcause they BElieve that a Woman has the right to make decisions about Her own Body, INcludINg whether to contINue or termINate a pregnancy. The reality IS that — just BEcause a Baby IS INside a Woman's Body, it does not mean the Baby IS Her Body — thIS IS basic, BIOlogical fact. Furthermore, they often contend that personhood BEgINs at Birth or at a later stage of fetal development, not at conception, and tHerefore, the Fetus does not have the same legal or moral status as a person who IS already Born.

However, when a pregnant Woman IS killed, many legal systems classify the Death of both the Woman and Her unBorn Child as a double homicide.

ThIS legal perspective implies that the unBorn Child has an INdependent right to Life (and liberty), and its Death IS treated as the loss of a distINct INdividual. ThIS recognition of the Fetus as a victim suggests that the law does, at least IN certaIN contexts / circumstances, recognize the unBorn Child as havINg a form of personhood — and reveals a core contradiction IN the collective culture and consciousness.

As aforementioned IN His Body, His Choice

A Fetus possesses personhood-makINg capacity from the moment of His / Her conception.

A Fetus expresses and emBodies PURE POTENTIALITY from the moment of His / Her conception.

Just as God spoke Light INto existence, He speaks Life INto BEINg at conception.

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗶𝘀 𝟭:𝟯

Modern technology has confirmed that tHere IS INdeed a spark of Light (Life) at the exact moment conception.

the flash of Light at the moment of fertilization / CONCEPTION — when the Sperm makes contact with the Egg

If you feel called, you can explore the lINks BElow for an audio / visual journey:

“Light happens — when Life happens.”  

“Light IS Life.”

The Spark of Light At Conception

ThIS All goes to prove God’s GOOD Word — Life BEgINs at conception.


No-thINg grows, if it IS not LivINg.

The term Fetus comes from the LatIN Word for offsprINg — emphasizINg its True meaning — not merely a "clump of cells."

As The Bible teaches,

Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. 𝗣𝘀𝗮𝗹𝗺 𝟭𝟮𝟳:𝟯-𝟱

The idea that Human rights depend on location — whether INside or outside the Womb — IS fundamentally flawed. Human rights are INHERent and God-given, recognized both IN the Womb and BEyond.

Fetuses ought to BE afforded and granted full Human rights, like those of a Born INdividual. Their existence IS Willed by God — and God’s Will IS GOOD. It IS not for us to INterfere with, or impose our Will onto. Every Child IS first and foremost, Chosen by and Born of God.

As Dr. Jérôme Lejeune eloquently stated, "the enemies of life know that to destroy Christian civilization, they must first destroy the family at its weakest point — the child. And among the weakest, they must choose the least protected of all — the child who has never been seen; the child who is not yet known or loved in the usual meaning of the word; who has not yet seen the light of day, who cannot even cry out in distress."

I Pray for a World wHere every unBorn, yet very much aLive, Child IS seen as a BlessINg and their Lives are cherished, celebrated, sanctified and sheltered. Lord, please grant me the courage to contINue speakINg up for those Who cannot speak for themselves — and the Wisdom to act IN Ways that honor Your Will and Law. May Your Love and Grace shINe through as I Serve to protect and preServe the Lives of the unBorn. IN Jesus' Name, I Pray.