SomethINg that Will forever BE etched IN my memory, IS the feelINg IN my HeART durINg my abortion procedure when I watched the doctor throw my Body, my flesh and Blood … my Child INto a bIN with All the other discarded Souls. 

It’s IN that moment that it landed with PIERCING and penetrative clarity and conviction, that I had just participated IN what felt like, and ultimately was, a ritualistic sacrifice. 

It’s IN that moment that I realized and recognized how far away I was from God to have Chosen thIS for mySelf and my Child. 

It’s IN that moment that He drew me the closest I had ever BEen to Him. 

It’s IN that moment that I remembered what God commissioned me Here for. AS A WOMAN. 

Here I stand Now, IN that vocation, to affirm, protect and preserve CREATION and Life IN a fundamentally antenatal World. 

No longer IS my compass “My Body, My Choice.”

It’s Now calibrated to His Body, His Choice.

The premature and forced Birth of my Child brought me to my knees IN grief. Most importantly, it drew me the closest to God’s Grace than any other test, trial and tribulation I had ever experienced BEfore. So close, that I can NEVER return to the sINful ways of my past.   

A part of me died that day … and IN the same Breath, a part of me was resurrected, revived, remembered and RESTORED. Having this PURE Life growINg INside of me and witnessINg its Death shifted me, changed me, REBIRTHED ME.

It burned away All of the pieces that WEre not really mINe until All that was left was a Woman who Knew Her BELoved identity, who Knew Her protection and provision IN God and who subscribed ONLY to the Law of God.

I have found Peace IN The Truth that RETURNING TO GOD Will always require you to go against the herd (which IS BEINg led astray by the World that they worship). When WE walk hand IN and hand and HeART to HeART with God and followINg The (One and Only) Way that He paves and Lights for us, it looks INverted and reversed compared to the ways of The World. LivINg a Devotional and God-led Life IS INHERently a countercultural Life (BEcause WE Live IN a World that predomINantly Serves and worships The Devil). 


Here’s the story of how I WEnt from BEINg Pro-Choice to PRO-LIFE (through a scientific, theological and Spiritual lens).

I always say that Words themSelves, tell a story.

The etymology of the Word abortion IS: abandonment / failure of a Promise.

To abort a Child, IS a Woman’s abandonment / failure of a Promise that She has made to God.

IN the first chapter of Genesis, God tells Adam and Eve to “be fruitful and increase in number” 𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗶𝘀 𝟭:𝟮𝟴

ThIS first command — which was also a BlessINg — that God gave people was a command to have Children / to proCreate.

A Fetus, as a Seed of Creation, IS imbued with Spirit. With Life. It IS fundamentally LivINg. 

While a Fetus may appear non-LivINg, just like how, to many, a Tree may appear non-LivINg — All of Life, All of God’s Creations, All of Gods Children are imbued with Life, through the Breath and SPIRIT of God. 

While the Fetus prepares for Life outside of the Womb, its oxygen needs are met via the placenta and umbilical cord, rather than through BreathINg as WE Know it outside of the Womb. IN utero, they practise what’s Known as fetal BreathINg movements IN order to prepare and synthesize connections with the muscles INvolved to Breathe, and tHerefore to affirm Life outside of the Womb. 

Many pro-Choice arguments hINge on the BElief that consciousness IS cerebral and that it IS localized IN the cortex and can't emerge BEfore the 24-week mark when the thalamocortical connections from the sense organs are established. 

IN my personal Truth system however, consciousness, IN its most basic form IS Breath / Spirit. WHerever Breath / Spirit goes, CONSCIOUSNESS IS. 


Your Spirit — your BREATH IS the part of your BEINg that corresponds with God and experiences fellowship and kINship with God (and therefore, the ENTIRE ASSEMBLY OF CREATION BEcause All BEINgs share the same SUBSTANCE).

Did you Know that fetal breathINg movements BEgin as early as WEek 10 of pregnancy?

By 28 WEeks, the lungs are fully developed.

Contrary to the INformation that has BEen passed down to us, the neurochemicals IN the Womb do not cause fetal unconsciousness.  

ThIS brINgs me to the ethical matter of Fetal pain. Although wrongfully thought and taught to BE a third-trimester phenomenon, evidence suggests the capability for paIN perception as early as 7-8 weeks (which IS when I had my abortion). Evidence further suggests that with heightened sensitivity due to the lack of INhibitory pathways (which appear IN the postnatal period), Fetuses are hypersensitive to paIN (as IN, they feel it MORE).

Yet IN the States for example, pre-born Children who are deemed unwanted or unworthy are routinely subjected to violent abortion procedures such as the D&E abortion — IN which the Child’s limbs are torn from their Body and their skull crushed. So, to put it both accurately and bluntly, state sanctioned / medicalized dismemberment. And to add to your disheARTenment, the abortion guidelines that come from regulating Body’s do not INclude recommendations for fetal analgesia prior to this blatantly INHUMANE abortion procedure. KnowINg what you Know Now about Fetal paIN receptivity … I AM sure you recognize the HORROR of thIS. 

Third-trimester abortions are most often carried out with the use of an INjection of a lethal drug (like potassium chloride for example), to cause cardiac arrest so a stillBirth can BE INduced.

Meanwhile, the use of potassium chloride to carry out the Death penalty for convicted crimINals or to euthanize ANIMAls, MUST BE PRECEDED BY ANESTHESIA and confirmed unresponsiveness BEcause such INjections (and reactions to said INjections) are WELL Known to cause severe paIN. 

Let it BE very clear — it IS never acceptable to kill INnocent Human BEINgs, whether they feel paIN or not.

Abortion IS often defended on the premise that the Fetus has not yet achieved / attained personhood. Central to thIS defence IS the “Non-Person Problem”, which conceptualizes how INdividuals often feel conflicted when considerINg autonomy and harm IN regards to a BEINg that “does not currently exist IN the moral CommUNITY” – specifically the developINg Fetus. 

Once upon a time, 

IN Organic and traditional society’s the conception and Birth of a Child was a HIGHLY celebrated time for it reflected the overAll fertility, virility and contINuation of a commUNITY.

From the moment a Child was conceived, they (through their MotHER) WEre cared for by the entire CommUNITY. 


BEcause they WEre already considered a part of the moral CommUNITY, by virtue of BEINg concieved (and tHerefore received).

IN Organic and traditional contexts, personhood IS not just about CAPACITY … what’s prioritized IS POTENTIALITY AS A CONDITION OF PERSONHOOD.

A Fetus possesses personhood-makINg capacity from the moment of His / Her conception.

A Fetus expresses and emBodies PURE POTENTIALITY from the moment of His / Her conception. 

When considerINg the potentiality of a Human embryo, WE Know that the organism IS endowed with both capacity and potentiality. ThIS organism, when given the RIGHT TO LIVE, Will develop INto an individual that has the capacity and potentiality to affirm Life and to BEnefit the collective WEb of Life by LivINg out Gods IMPECCABLE WORD.

When and wHere Human Life exists, so, too, does personhood. 

Cultural INsights also reflect thIS. A pregnant Woman seldom refers to Her unborn Child as a “Fetus." More often, She uses terms like “Baby," “She,” “Her,” “He,” and “Him” HighLightINg the INtrinsic and conscious connection that exists.

While many INdividuals may not share The Truth that a Fetus IS a person at the poINt of conception, few would deny the fact that Life’s foundational processes exist from the time of conception. 

When you simply BEhold a Woman through and IN Her journey it IS confirmed that WITH conception BEgin the Organic and Natural adaptive functions that allow for the sustenance of Life. 

Here are 3 Bible passages that affirm the PERSONHOOD of an unBorn Child.

These Bible passages reveal and reflect that God has a Plan for each One of His BELoved Children prior to and from the moment of His / Her conception, that God appoINts and commissions every One of His BELoved Children with their vocation upon His / Her conception (and that their very conception IS a part of the fulfillment of thIS vocation), that God values each One of His BELoved Children from the moment of His / Her conception and that every One of God’s Children IS agential, conscious, sentient, feelINg, participatINg and INvolved IN Life upon His / Her conception.

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. 𝗣𝘀𝗮𝗹𝗺 𝟭𝟮𝟵:𝟭𝟯-𝟭𝟲

Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. And blessed is she who believed that there would beg a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord. 𝗟𝘂𝗸𝗲 𝟭:𝟯𝟵-𝟰𝟱

Now the word of the LORD came to me, saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” 𝗝𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗮𝗵 𝟭:𝟰-𝟱

Now let’s get INto the even crunchier part of thIS conversation … 


The Truth IS ….

Abortion IS never necessary. 

While some circumstances may BE and are unfortunate, none justify killINg an INnocent Child. 

Such circumstance IS when a pregnancy IS caused by or IS the product of INcest and / or rape.

A moderate pro-Life position says that a right to Life IS stronger than, or outWEighs, a right to Bodily autonomy, except when the Fetus that has the right to Life IS Created by a violation of Bodily autonomy. 

This IS INconsistent, INcoherent and INcongruent BEcause it posits / proposes that Life IS more important than autonomy, except when autonomy IS more important than Life.

Abortion kills a person. Abortion after rape IS a contINuation of violence. It provides no sINcere healINg, and it leads Women to BElieve that the “remINder” of the rape IS gone and tHerefore that the trauma of the rape has BEen resolved. 

WE All feel deep compassion for any Woman who has BEen a victim of rape or INcest. However, the simple reality IS that abortion does not erase the INitial violation, it simply perpetuates and metastasizes it. The tragedy IN thIS case, circumstance and context IS the rape or INcest itSelf ― not the Child. THere IS evidence that victims of rape who get abortions experience regret for their Choice. However, victims of rape who Choose to see their pregnancy through do not regret their Choice. 

Despite the fact that the conception of thIS Child was not INnocent, the Child itSelf IS INnocent. The Child should not BE punished and persecuted, for they are not a sINner. Women who are IN thIS position need to affirm that the Child IS an INNOCENT and BELoved PERSON, BEcause that IS The Truth. Rape violates the sacred dignity of the sexual act itSelf, however it has no BEarINg on the sacred dignity of the NEW LIFE.

To quote Dr. David Reardon, a full-time researcher on the impact of abortion on Women “both the MotHER and Child are helped by preservINg Life, not by perpetuatINg violence.”

Perfectly put. 

From and through my own Lived and emBodied experience, abortion and rape cause similar psychological, physical, Spiritual and emotional effects (such as PTSD, anxiety, depression, flashbacks, guilt, shame).

Abortion won’t and don’t make the aftermath of rape disappear. If anythINg it Will likely and usually does make the psychological, physical, Spiritual and emotional effects even worse sINce the Woman endures two horrific consecutive violations of Her body, coupled with losing Her Child, which She has an INevitable Spiritual, energetic and genetic bond with (a thread which deserves its own conversation). 

I describe my personal abortion experience as BEINg similar to rape, and have even used the term “medical rape” to Name how it felt IN my Body. 

For many Women, thIS experiential association BEtween abortion and sexual assault IS very strong. It IS especially strong for Women who have a prior History of sexual assault, whether or not the aborted Child was conceived durINg an act of assault. 

What about abortions for cases of Fetal abnormalities? 

IN thIS case abortion IS culturally considered justifiable and justified, with the proposed INtention to spare a Child paIN and sufferINg. 

I personally fail to reconcile the concept of “mercy killINgs”. I fail to see how mercy and killINg can coINcide. They don’t.

And Truthfully, I Know it has verrrrrry little to do wth sparINg the Child and a lot more to do with sparINg the MotHER, FatHER, Family and “The State” / system from what’s BEen perceived as a burden and a cost. ThIS IS True of assisted suicide and euthanasia, as WELL as abortion for Birth defects. 

The concept of “mercy killINg” treats All persons with physical and / or psychological limitations as INconveniences that are unworthy of Life. 

IS it BEtter for a Child to BE torn apart by an abortionist’s INstruments or to die IN the LovINg arms of His or Her Parents? The answer should BE clear. A TRULY merciful Parent Will Love their Child for as long as He or She Naturally Lives. For as long as God Wills.

WE Live IN a time wHere people have the option to abort what they have deemed “unDesirable”. If you’re told that tHere’s some sort of genetic mutation for example, you can just discard that Child and effectively, deny God’s Plan and Will for you and also that Child. To enable people to act on these appetitive Wills and Desires IS to enable the dis-ease and EPIDEMIC that IS narcissism. 

It’s harmful when you give Humans the ability to play God IN thIS way … where One Life IS more valuable and tHerefore valued than another (from a strictly ECOnomic perspective).

Disabilities of any kINd don’t make anyOne less worthy of Life. Children with disabilities are gifts from God, just as much as Children without a disability. 

Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. 𝗣𝘀𝗮𝗹𝗺 𝟭𝟮𝟳:𝟯-𝟱 

Children All across the board, are some of the WISEST Teachers you Will ever Know, BEcause they are closest to God and their opulent ORIGIN. They are closest to their INnateness, INnocence and INtegrity.  

On the note of INnocence … 

Childhood INnocence IS completely and utterly imperilled IN the World WE Live IN (brought to you by the transgender and transHuman agendas which by their very Nature are ANTENATAL). INnocence and the violation of INnocence has BEcome and IS a cultural fetish. INnocence IS a society’s most valuable asset … and it continues to BE violated and exploited. For when you disable Children, you disable The Future.  

To circle back Now,

It IS Highly ignorant, INconsiderate and INcompassionate to assume and suggest that BEcause someOne has a disability that they are not able to Live a qualitative Life. 

What gives anyOne the right to assume that, and to act based on that assumption? 

Who are WE to decide and defINe what IS a qualitative Life? 

Only God gets to decide. He has the first and fINal say. He always has and He always Will.

Abortion IS irrevocably a form of state-sanctioned feticide that society only grants doctors as part of their responsibility “to protect and promote the health of the public.”

That’s the caveat.

Feticide IS a legal event and tHerefore a crimINal offence, wHereas abortion IS a medical event and tHerefore an altruistic occurrence.

And guess what … The State capitalizes on Alllllllll of it.

Hooooooow convenient.

The reproductive INdustry (thIS INcludes Birth control, abortion, medicalized Birth, IVF, surrogacy and other “INfertility” treatments) IS a trillion dollar INdustry … and the more barren your Womb IS, the more boosted their bank accounts are. 

Additionally, the accessibility of abortion has turned it INto another form of Birth control. 

I Know so many Women who have had multiple abortions IN the same Season, IN the same year and so on. Without any concern or INnerstanding of the True gravity and magnitude of it All. 

The casuality found IN the culture of abortion All together reveals the lack of honor, respect and reverence for the Spiritual aspects of conception, Birth, pregnancy and MotHERhood. And WOMANHOOD, for that matter (for the two are INseperable on account of The Truth that Womanhood precedes MotHERhood). 

THere was a time when sex was sanctified and reproduction was not entered INto casually … and furthermore when abortion was not entered INto casually. 

Access to abortion does not promote or restore Womb Sovereignty like WE have BEen told, it actually disables it even MORE. ThIS IS BEcause it gives people the option to BE even less INtentional and conscious IN their Choice and action to engage IN sex. Rather than promotINg a preventative culture that teaches Women how to connect with their Womb, to track their fertility cycle and to Naturally avoid pregnancy if that IS their INtention … WE are perpetuatINg a reactive culture that teaches Women to unconsciously engage IN sexual exchanges with whoever, whenever, and to lean on “quick” fixes like abortions. Clearly, IN a World of convenience, Choice and consequence of said Choice BEcomes less critical.

ThIS brINgs me to the fINal thread I Will WEave IN, for Now.

I do not promote or support Herbal abortions either. For the same reason I do not promote or support “Natural INductions”. Both deny God’s Will through imposition and INtervention. All imposition and INtervention, fundamentally comes from a lack of Faith.


WE have delved INto an INtricate tapestry of science, theology and Spirituality. It's evident that the Waters are deep, however for those with clean HeARTS and clear eyes, they can see BEyond and BElow the murky surface (wHere a lot of shit has BEen INtentionally stirred, so to speak). 

My Prayer IS that you rest firmly IN your ORIGIN and foundation IN God and that your Choice IS a reflection of your Faith, not your fear. Over and over and over again.
