IN the BElow musINg I spoke to the 4 core Rites of Passage of: BEINg Born, Child -> Maiden, Maiden -> MotHER, MotHER -> Matriarch.
Consider thIS musINg an addition / extension.
I missed a KEY / CORE INitiation and Rite of Passage… that INitiation / Rite of Passage BEINg, the INitiation from Maiden -> Wife.
As some of you may Know my BELoved and I got engaged IN October 2022 and our Ceremony of Holy Matrimony IS just a month away!
As you can imagINe, sooooo much has BEen illumINated and therefore INtegrated through thIS pilgrimage.
I have come to realize and Know that there IS a HOLY PURPOSE for a "chronological" order to COMMUNION AND PRO-CREATION / CO-CREATION through that COMMUNION. That there IS a reason why WE are meant to sanctify our commUNION (through Holy Matrimony) BEfore pro-CreatINg. This INnerstandINg stems from recognizINg the INHERent Rites of Passage that accompany these experiences and moments.
The INitiation from Maiden to Wife IS an alchemical pilgrimage where WE dissolve the layers of self-centeredness that may have characterized our earlier stages of Life. It IS a pivotal point where WE BEgin to comprehend the Pure & True essence of collaboration and reciprocity. WE learn what it means to BE Devoted to somethINg bigger than YOU ... and how to show up for our partner even through the trials, tests and tribulations.
Through the INitiation from Maiden to Wife, WE are called to transcend our INdividual Desires and aspirations, embracINg the shared path WE are WEavINg with our BELoved. WE Choose and act not for personal gain and / or fulfillment but for the health, WELLth and WELLBEINg of our UNION.
This INitiation teaches us the Power of selflessness, reminding us that the UNION of two HeARTS IS greater than the sum of its parts. It IS a process of learnINg to navigate the subtleties and complexities of companionship and fINdINg solace IN the strength and support WE provide each other. By sanctifyINg our UNION through Holy Matrimony, WE acKnowledge the Spiritual, energetic and emoceanal significance and symbolism of this crossINg of a threshold and make Promises of Devotion, Love, Truth, Faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty and Fruitfulness. Promises of ETERNITY.
IN sanctifyINg our Love and commUNION and committINg to the values of Holy Matrimony, WE pave the way for a profound and Purposeful pro-Creation experience and WE Create a foundation for pro-Creation and co-Creation that IS rooted IN Wholeness and INtegrity. By first establishINg a strong and sanctified bond as Husband and Wife, WE ensure that the Creation of new Life IS nurtured withIN a supportive, LovINg and Life-affirmINg environment. This order of commUNION and pro-Creation aligns with the Natural Order of Life, providINg a stable, secure, nurturINg and FERTILE foundation for the growth and maturation of our (Faithful & Fruitful) Future generations.
The INitiation from Maiden -> Wife further RIPENS us to BEcome and BE the Pure and Primal MotHER that WE are designed and DESTINED TO BE.
The term itSelf traces back to the Middle English era, makINg its debut IN the 14th century. Its ORIGINs WEave back to LatIN’s "matrimonium." DelvINg INto the etymological roots, WE fINd "matr-" derived from "mater," the Latin Word for “MotHER,” and the suffix "-mony" signifyINg a state of BEINg, function or a role.
The Word itSelf reveals the profound transition that IS Holy Matrimony, and how it marks a Woman's journey INto MotHERhood. Holy Matrimony IS vital IN Her RIPENING journey to BEcome and BE an INtegrated MotHER. The Word reflects the extent to which reproduction and childrearINg are central to Holy Matrimony itSelf.
The timeless Truth IS that One of the ORIGINal Purposes of Holy Matrimony always has BEen and always Will BE proCreation.
Through Holy Matrimony a Man and a Woman establish a partnership for Life that leads to the perpetuation and Promise of Life itSelf. ThIS partnership, by its very Nature, IS directed towards the Peace and Prosperity of both spouses and the sacred responsibilities of proCreation and enrichment, enLivenment and emPowerment of their offsprINg.
Whiiiiiile WE are Here — let me make it very clear that (Holy) Matrimony and marriage are not the same thINg.
Holy Matrimony IS of God — and FOR GOD.
Here’s what I mean when I say that Holy Matrimony IS of God — and FOR GOD.
Holy Matrimony IS based on the Biblical Truth that Men and Women are complementary, the biological fact that reproduction, proCreation and continual Life depends on a Man and a Woman, and the primordial principle that Children need a MotHER and a FatHER to Know their Wholeness and INtegrity.
Holy Matrimony IS an Organic system that predates the state.
Holy Matrimony IS Pure.
Holy Matrimony has Spiritual significance, that transcends time and space.
On the other hand ….
Marriage IS of the flesh.
Marriage IS a product of the state.
Marriage IS possessive.
Marriage has political, legal and ECOnomic significance.
While marriage IS INHERently transactional, superficial, fickle and temporary ... Holy Matrimony Serves as a vessel for AGAPE. The Highest form Of Love. God’s Love. Holy Matrimony IS Devotional. Unconditional. Profound. EndurINg. Eternal.
Holy Matrimony and the Life affirmed through it, IS the LivINg expression and emBodiment of God’s Love.