I’m sure you’ve heard of the saying: “ignorance IS Bliss” / “’tis folly to BE wise.”
According to this saying… if one IS unaware of an unpleasant fact or situation, one cannot BE troubled by it.
Effectively, this saying suggests that AWARENESS AND KNOWLEDGE ARE MISERY.
IN my World …
Ignorance IS bondage.
Ignorance IS deeply unaware of the Bliss that awaits you on the other side of forgetting / unlearning everything you are NOT (FEAR), and Remembering / relearning everything that you ARE (LOVE).
IN my World …
'Tis emancipation to BE Wise.
While it’s true that …
Sitting with what has caused / causes you pain / suffering and trauma IS deeply uncomfortable.
And that …
Unlearning GENERATIONS of conditioning IS challenging, and no easy feat.
THE Highest Truth IS that the most uncomfortable thing IS BEINg at the mercy of learned, INHERited and fundamentally preordained narratives, BEhaviours, tendencies, patterns and programs that ONLY YOU HAVE THE POWER to surrender to God through your INtentionality, emPowered choice and emBodied action.
You are preciously responsible for choosing Wisdom (cognizance) over ignorance (unconsciousness).
Bliss does not come from not Knowing or INnerstanding.
Bliss IS not unconscious.
Ignorance IS synonymous with oblivion.
Ignorance IS rooted IN fear.
Ignorance IS maladaptive.
Ignorance IS cowardice.
Bliss comes from DEEP Knowing and INnerstanding.
Wisdom IS synonymous with Presence.
Wisdom IS rooted IN Love.
Wisdom IS adaptive.
Wisdom IS courageous.
May wisdom ripen your souls mission. May wisdom stoke the fire Power, passion and purpose IN your BElly, and the wild purity of your Heart.