Gratitude IS One of the Highest frequencies & vibrations IN the Universe.

When you Live Life with a state of Gratitude (and ultimately Presence) BEINg your default, everything changes.

You BEcome a magnet for more things, people, places, circumstances, synchronicities, and experiences to BE Grateful for.

You open your field up to receiving so much more.

Make giving Gratitude for what IS a daily practise.

Big or small, ideal or not ideal, magical or mundane, good or bad IS not the point.

The point IS - can you extend and express Gratitude for All that IS?

How do you expect to Create the conditions IN your Life to BE continuously Grateful if you can't BE Grateful for every Now moment / if you can't BE Present with what IS IN every Now moment, as it passes?

When your Gratitude IS conditional (and therefore limited), so IS your expansion.

The more Grateful you are to savour every last drop of Life's offerings ... the more Life Will offer you.

How would you experience Life differently (and more receptively) if Gratitude was the main INgredient?