IN the grand tapestry of Life, Womanhood has BEen INtricately woven with rich and colorful threads of INitiations, INvolutions and INcensions.

Every precious phase FORGING Her INto the Woman that God Designed and DestINed Her to BE.

Unfortunately, our modern culture often veils the WHOLISTIC, endurINg and Eternal BEaUty of thIS journey by shININg a spotLight on just One aspect of a Woman’s expression and emBodiment: the Maiden.

Today, the world glorifies and fetishizes the Maiden. The taut, hairless skIN, perky bosom, and svelte frame are worshipped and aspired to. Magazines, advertisements, and social media platforms are flooded with thIS manufactured image of “Perfection” as a Woman. IN thIS obsession of youth, WE’ve lost the essence of the profound transition that follows — MotHERhood.

Imagine, for a moment, a World wHere Women prioritized preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum nutrition with as much fervor and Devotion as their quest to regain their “pre-baby Body”. What if the roadmap to BEaUty celebrated the journey and BlessINg of brINgINg Life INto the World, INstead of just revertINg to an egotistically more preferable, past state?

It's a tragedy that our society IS consumed with “bouncINg back” post-pregnancy / post-Birth / postpartum, rather than embracINg the INward spiral and forward journey of MotHERhood. While a Woman's Body undergoes countless, MIRACULOUS changes to grow, nourish, and brINg forth Life, the World impatiently waits for Her to "snap back". Needless to say, it IS time that WE, as a collective, snap out of thIS trance of snappINg back.

It’s a deep surrenderINg and softenINg INto what IS right Now … rather than grippINg and latchINg onto what WAS … which postpones our BEcomINg and BEINg INto wHere WE are currently transitionINg.

GrippINg and latchINg on won’t stop the transition / Rite of Passage / reBirth of you INto a MotHER through the Birth of your Child … it Will simply make it more dreadful and drainINg. It’s literally that feelINg of swimmINg AGAINST the current. Where WE keep fightINg, tryINg, effortINg, and strivINg … but it’s no use. The way the current IS actually goINg IS stronger. So why not let the current CARRY you tHere?

Our culture's unwaverINg INfatuation with the Maiden and Her youthful allure has a deeper impact than just surface-level BEaUty standards. ThIS obsession not only alters how Women perceive their own Bodies but also deeply INfluences essential Life Choices, INcludINg those about (Organic) ChildBirth and (Organically) nourishINg a newborn.

When society places the Maiden on a pedestal and INcessantly champions Her tight physique and unmarked skIN, the anxiety about 'losINg' thIS Desirable BEaUty can and Will push Women towards Choices they might not otherwise even consider.

Opting for c-sections, for example, BEcomes a way to 'preserve' the Maiden's BEaUty, and more specifically, Her sexuality. Often times, scheduled c-sections are a misguided effort to prevent potential alterations to Her anatomy. IN a misINformed World, that glamorizes havINg a “tight pussy” — Women Will Choose c-sections to avoid BEcomINg and BEINg “loose,” which they have BEen conditioned to equate with BEINg unDesirable and therefore, unLovable. How misguided.


I literally want to scream this from every mountain top and roof top IN the World until it reaaaallly lands IN the collective (un)consciousness.

ThIS distortion has BEen perpetuated for faaaaaaar too long.

WE have BEen taught that havINg a tight vagINa makes us more “Desirable.” WE have BEen taught that having a tight vagINa Will make us a more “favourable” Lover or partner. WE have BEen taught that havINg a tight vagINa IS an INdicator of our sexual Purity. WE have BEen taught that BEINg told WE have a tight vagina IS A ROYAL COMPLIMENT.

Tightness = contraction

Contraction = lack of ease

Lack of ease = lack of connection

Lack of connection = lack of sensation


Likewise, the decision to formula-feed INstead of BreastfeedINg often stems from concerns about maINtaININg the firmness and aesthetic of the Breasts, completely disregardINg the unique BEnefits that Organic feedINg can and WILL offer both MotHER and Child (as discussed IN depth IN my musINg called: BREASTFEEDING AND BREASTMILK ARE PREVENTATIVE MEDICINE).

ThIS not only reflects a severance from Her Organic Design, Desire and DestINy as a Woman, but also underscores the prevalent narcissism that currently plagues society. By placINg personal aesthetic above the INnate, INHERent, INborn and Organic process of ChildBirth and physiologic INfant care, tHere's a dangerous prioritization of superficial, transient and INdividual BEaUty over the INtegral affirmation of Life and CREATION — which leads to endurINg and Eternal BEnefit for the collective WEb of Life and Choir of Creation.

WE must recognize that thIS ISn't solely an INdividual Choice but a reflection of the collective (un)consciousness. The narrative, driven by modern media and cosmetic INdustries, seduces women INto BElievINg that the Maiden's BEaUty IS the pINnacle of FemININe allure, leavINg little room to fully INvite, WELLcome and allow the sacred pilgrimage INto MotHERhood.

The stretch marks, the softened BElly, the changes IN Her silhouette, the engraved lINes of Wisdom on Her face – are All radiant testimonies of Life co-Created through Holy Matrimony, Love and GOD. Yet, these are the very testimonies that the World, ironically, urges Her to erase.

ThIS cultural myopia not only mirrors our cultural glorification and fetishization of Eternal youth but illuminates the uncomfortable Truth: WE've exalted the Maiden and marginalized the MotHER. ThIS ISn't just about BEaUty standards; it's a reflection of how WE value women, their experiences, and their contributions to the World, at large.

What if WE respected and revered the MotHER with as much enthusiasm as WE fetishized the Maiden? What if WE viewed postpartum Bodies not as something to BE fixed, but as LivINg altars of Creation, Missional Service and AGAPE (which IS, unconditional Love, which IS, Supreme Truth)?

A World that Truly cherishes the MotHER would and WILL acKnowledge and AFFIRM that Her BEaUty ISn't diminished, but deepened by and through MotHERhood.

For those with eyes and HeART’s to see — the Maiden’s glimmer cannot and Will not ever compare to the MotHER’s GLOW.

The MotHER IS not a mere flicker, but a steady flame that won't BEnd, lit by Life's tests, trials and tribulations, and kINdled by God’s own hand.

Her glow ISn’t just skIN deep, it resonates from Her core.

Here’s to expressINg and emBodyINg a culture where the MotHER, stands at the centre, IN All of Her glory, not IN the shadows (of the Maiden).