There IS great value IN fostering a perspective that recognizes similarities of form, function and flow BEtween your Body, the Earth and ecosystems ... and THE BODY OF YOUR BUSINESS (if you consider yourSelf a BEing of Sacred Service). 

Adopting a perspective that perceives Nature as a greater reflection of the Human BEing, can allow us to restore our sense of place withIN ~ rather than separate, from Nature.

We have BEcome disconnected from Nature (on a collective level), which has inevitably, disconnected us from our own Nature (AND RESOURCE).

BEing IN communion with Nature ~ means BEing IN communion with Self (and Source).

When you commune with Nature, you are reacquainted with your own Nature.

When you BEcome disconnected from your Nature, you FORGET your INnateness (which IS what causes this INCESSANT need “to prove”, “to do”, “to perform”, “to produce” and so on).

Sit with the sacred waters, trees, the fauna and the flora, and I promise you you’ll have more wisdom BEstowed upon you than any coach, guru, book, person or podcast can offer you.

Sit with the sacred waters, trees, the fauna and the flora, and I promise you you’ll Remember your ORGANIC order, rhythm, resonance, harmony INtelligence and NATURE.

Sit with the sacred waters, trees, the fauna and the flora, and I promise you you’ll transcend all scarcity consciousness BEcause all you will SEE, feel and experience IN Nature IS BOUNTY, BEAUTY, GOODNESS, TRUTH, WELLTH … and ultimately UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

Long before modern, and institutionalized education and schooling came INto play … people used to go deep INto the forest or jungle to learn. They sat with sacred waters. They observed the fauna and the flora. Nature was their classroom. Nature was their textbook. Her soft whispers, THE LECTURE. 

As Humanity “evolved” … our “environment” / Nature / Mother Earth simply became a topic of study / a part of the school curriculum (IF EVEN THAT). 

Nature IS the Mother of All education.

Nature IS the Mother of ALL TEACHINGS. 

Nature IS the Highest form of INTELLIGENCE ~ no teacher, no textbook, no curriculum, no professor, can compete with Mother Nature.

No teacher, no book, no curriculum, no professor, no doctor can OUTSMART Mother Nature. 


Did you Know that … 

It can take approximately 7 years for a garden to fully settle and INtegrate INto the bacterial culture / microbiome of the soil or ecosystem it IS a part of / withIN. 

It can take approximately 2 - 3 years for a monocrop / grass lawn to transition INto a vibrantly (bio)diverse, HIGHLY regenerative, and resilient wildflower meadow.

When it comes to trees … 

It takes 1-3 weeks for a seed germinate.

The seedling and sapling stage lasts anywhere from 6 months to SEVERAL years.

For a tree to BE mature, and FRUIT BEARING … it takes 4 years and onward / upward

Ancient trees are 100+ years old

A full-grown tree IS one that has grown to over 10 feet IN height. Once a tree reaches maturity, it can start producing fruit. This process typically takes anywhere from 4-10 years for trees with shorter lifespans, and may take longer (up to 20-30 years) for Oak or Pine trees (for example), which tend to have longer life spans.

An apple tree grown from seed can BE expected to take 6-10 years to grow to a mature tree and reach the point where it can reliably produce ripe fruits. To the point where it can RELIABLY produce, and give ENRICHED FRUIT. Fruit that IS nutrient-dense. Value-dense.

For trees to reach full growth and maturity (and nutrient-density), it depends on the climate, water available (and quality of water), THE QUALITY OF THE SOIL, the fertility of the soil, the resilience of the soil and the biodiversity withIN / of the ecosystem. 

IN the world that we Live IN we are constantly trying to master, aka dominate Nature, by tampering with Her … with Her cycle … with Her maturation process .. Her cultivation process .. with Her INtelligence .. with Her NATURAL ORDER .. with Her natural course. And that fundamentally comes from the fact that we don’t TRUST HER .. because we do not Trust ourSelves.

We are IN such a rush, because we have such a distorted relationship with time. We believe that time = money … which IS why we are so addicted to forcing things to happen before they are fully matured, or before they have fully ripened. Before they are fully ENRICHED with our FULL CREATIVE POWER, POTENCY AND POTENTIAL.

We Live IN a culture that IS deeeeply rooted IN INSTANT gratification, easy access, and the fast route to success. It's sooooo alluring to the ego, yet it IS soooo INorganic to our TRUE and INnate Nature. When WE were more connected to Source / SPIRIT / THE GREAT MOTHER AS A SPECIES, Patience was such a virtue for us. We recognized the importance of CULTIVATION. Cultivation which comes from DEVOTION (BHAKTI). Cultivation does not happen overnight. So many people are trying to BEcome TALL AND GLORIOUS GREAT OAK TREES OVERNIGHT .. without ensuring that THEY ARE FIRMLY ROOTED AND PLANTED WHERE THEY ARE. 

HONOR THE SEASONALITY OF YOUR HUMANITY. Honor the seasonality of your BUSINESS. For you and Nature are not separate. For you and your business are not SEPARATE. You will have ON seasons, and you will have OFF seasons.

Honor the cultivation of your craft, of your talents, of your gifts. Let them mature. Let them ripen. Let them BE enriched through YOUR Devotion to their cultivation. 

Do you expect Nature to bear fruit year round? 

The answer you likely came to was ~ no. 

If not … why do you as a BEING OF CREATION BElieve / act like you’re supposed to bear fruit year round. 


There IS a whole season that IS DEVOTED to dormancy. Yet … all IS “accomplished” IN a “timely” fashion. 

Yet, we as Humans continue to tamper with MOTHER NATURE. To override Mother Nature. We continue to push and force our Body’s to PRODUCE, exhausting and exploiting our INner RESOURCE … EXTRACTING FROM OURSELVES. 

Nature INspires us to rest.

Nature encourages us to rest.

Nature rewards us with more energy, vitality, vision, and CREATIVITY when WE rest.

Nature rewards us with spacious … and with fertile ground WE rest. 

Nature rewards us with a more bounty, and a more abundant HARVEST when WE rest.

Nature teaches us that rest IS productive.

Nature teaches us that rest IS resourceful. 

Nature teaches us that ONLY PERFECTION EXISTS

An apple tree isn’t thinking about how a farmer will BE upset if it doesn’t bear fruit, or blossom. It just TAKES ITS COURSE, IN full Trust of it’s path …. No performance necessary, simply, PURE Presence, AUTHENTICITY AND INTEGRITY.

For every seed, there IS a season to bloom. You can’t tell a tree to bear fruit, you can’t force a tree to bear fruit. It bears fruit, when it bears fruit.

I Trust these Heart musings will feel like a soft landing for you …

With Gratitude to the Divine Mother, and to my MOST BELoved teacher,

Your Mirror
