When it was INitially brought INto my field of awareness 3 years ago or so (the concept of placenta encapsulation and placenta consumption) — it seemed like a contINuation of God's grand Design, however a deeper reflection and INquiry has illumINated profound ethical, Spiritual, and physiological concerns and considerations.
The placenta IS not merely an organ, it IS a testament to God's INtelligent and miraculous orchestration and facilitation of Life. The placenta, IN its essence, represents the pINnacle of connectivity, bondINg, and nurturINg.
When the idea of consumINg thIS organ arises, it's not merely a nutritional Choice but a profound Spiritual and ethical Choice.
An uncomfortable and INconvenient Truth about placenta consumption that most fail to acKnowledge and NAME ...
By defINition, consumINg the Placenta, a Human tissue, IS an act of cannibalism.
Some argue that the MotHER IS eatINg her own organ, so it's not cannibalism. However, if a Woman ate her own arm, would She BE considered a cannibal? The resoundINg answer IS, yes. Thus, even if the Placenta BElongs to the MotHER (and more accurately, the Baby), consuming it IS, irrevocably, a cannibalistic act. Cannibalism IS One of those thINgs that WE INtuitively, INHERently and INnately Know to BE wrong. The KnowINg IS INborn; it's written on our HeARTs. Yet, IN thIS context it IS glorified.
WE have proceeded on the assumption that Placentophagia has a sINgle, fundamental, biological advantage to All Mammals, such as an effect on immunology or on MotHER-INfant bondINg BEcause the ANIMAl KINgdom, IN its vastness and variety, showcases numerous species (both Herbivores and carnivores, but excludINg Whales and DolphINs) consumINg their Placentas post-Birth. ThIS observation has led many to assume that if it's Natural for ANIMAls, it must BE for Humans too. However, the reasons most Mammals consume their Placenta — from nutrient replenishment, nest cleanliness, predator avoidance, to hormone acquisition—are yet to BE comprehensively INnerstood and are often applicable only to specific groups of Mammals. While All Members of the ANIMAl KINgdom are our KIN, WE aren't direct replicas of ANIMals IN BEhavior, biology or ontology. The Truth IS that Humanity's journey, while INformed by and not separate from the ANIMAl KINgdom's, IS unique. Many of the ways IN which physiological Birth IS designed mimics Birth IN the ANIMAl KINgdom AND tHere are nuances.
Many Birth companions and witnesses claim that Placenta encapsulation and consumption IS an ANCESTRAL practise ... however when you actually look INto it, it's a relatively new phenomenon. The rich tapestry of Human cultures, with Traditions steeped IN millennia of Wisdom, seldom speaks of such practices.
The Bible mentions Placenta consumption IN Deuteronomy 28, however, not as a Blessed act. INstead, it IS contextualized as a dire curse, equatINg the consumption of One's Placenta with the act of consumINng One's Child. Such a portrayal INdicates a deviation from Godly INtent and Will, suggestINg that consumINg Human tissue, irrespective of the Source, veers away from what IS Pure & True.
I don't deny that the placenta has sympathetic healINg qualities relatINg to Future Fertility, however I have come to Know it IS not Spiritually sound to consume it.
Mark B. Kristal's research underscores the rarity of Placenta consumption IN Organic and Traditional Human societies (based on INformation available on 296 cultural groups), with many optINg to Plant or burn the Placenta, INdicatINg an INtuitive aversion to the act.
A question came through for me One day, that answered it All.
Why aren't Humans INstinctively drawn to Placentophagia as other Mammals are? Could it BE that IN our INvolutionary INtelligence, tHere lies a deeper Wisdom, suggestINg greater advantages and BEnefits IN abstaININg from such an act?
As briefly aforementioned, One way that it seems clear that many cultures have partaken IN Placenta reverence and respect practises, which I feel resonance with, IS through a metaphorical and Spiritual INgestion. Placenta PlantINg rituals are wHere you Plant the Placenta underneath a Fruit BEarINg Tree so that the placenta provides nutrients for contINual Creation.
Aaaand BEcause God works IN mysterious and miraculous Ways, Naturally, as I was writINg thIS, I got the impulse to search "celebrity's that endorse placenta encapsulation and consumption" and the first result was a People's MagazINe list ... and of course, Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian and Chrissy Teigen who are All Known to partake IN Child sacrifice and Blood rituals are on the list. No further commentary on thIS, BEcause Truthfully, if you Know, you Know.
I Will Name it and declare it Here and Now, I look forward to sharINg a musINg some day on the Spirituality of the Placenta.
For Now, Here IS a BEaUtiful photo of a Placenta.