ThIS IS a comment I left on Sarah CS piece called Pregnancy Is Not a Disease, that I felt had a rightful place Here, with some adjustments / additions.
I fINd it so INterestINg and INtriguINg how you hear so many / most Women (IN the context of pregnancy) say: “somethINg wasn’t right, so I took a pregnancy test and found out I was pregnant.”
ThIS Choice of Words frames pregnancy — a profoundly Natural occurrence and experience — as if it WEre a condition to BE diagnosed, akIN to a disorder or dis-ease. A pathology, requirINg prescription.
ThIS language reflects the deeper collective (un)consciousness about pregnancy.
That pregnancy IS a state of illness — rather than a state of WELLness. That pregnancy IS a state of wrongness — rather than a state of rightness. That pregnancy IS a state of deterioration — rather than a state of regeneration. That pregnancy IS a state of burden — rather than a state of BlessINg. That pregnancy IS a state of pathology — rather than a state of physiology.
ThIS language casts thIS Natural process as a deviation from the norm and a departure from a Woman's state of health, WELLth and vitality, rather than affirmINg it as the pINnacle of FAITHFULNESS, FERTILITY AND FRUITFULNESS.
ThIS language IS simply a symptom of the ailINg antenatal era WE currently INhabit.
A revelation I have received agaIN and agaIN, over the last few years — One of the pillars IN CreatINg a pro-Life culture IS changINg the language WE use and the Way WE speak about conception, pregnancy, Birth, Children and MotHERs.
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. 𝗣𝘀𝗮𝗹𝗺 𝟭𝟮𝟳:𝟯
BELoved Sisters, thIS IS your INvitation and call to action to affirm and speak Life over the Fruit of your Womb.