I'd Love to HighLight a hormone that IS ever-Present IN and throughout pregnancy and Birth, but that IS often left out of the conversation or overshadowed by the importance and significance of other (vital) hormones.


Have you heard of it?

RelaxIN IS a protein-based hormone usually secreted by the corpus luteum (which IS a hormone-producINg structure) IN the ovary.

IN non-pregnant Women, the corpus luteum IN the ovary alone produces the relaxIN hormone. However, durINg pregnancy, the quantity produced IN the ovary IS not sufficient so the Placenta and the lININg of the uterus also start producINg thIS hormone. DurINg pregnancy, Women have 10X the "regular" amount of relaxIN hormone Present IN their Bodies.

RelaxIN not only plays a vital role IN pregnancy and Birth, but IN CONCEPTION ITSELF.

The role of relaxIN IS yet another testament to the INtricate design of the Female Body and the Organic INtelligence of conception, pregnancy, Birth and All of CREATION.

After ovulation, levels of relaxIN INcrease, IN order to prepare the uterus for possible pregnancy. Here relaxIN prepares the uterINe lININg to facilitate implantation and relaxes the uterINe wall to prevent contractions (which can hINder the implantation of a fertilized egg).

Naturally, if fertilization does not take place, the relaxIN levels drop to "normal".

DurINg the early weeks of pregnancy, relaxIN levels are Higher IN order to promote and support successful implantation of the fertilized egg INto the uterine wall.

DurINg pregnancy, relaxIN prevents possible contractions of the INtrauterINe membrane, which helps sustain a pregnancy.

As the pregnancy progresses, relaxIN helps soften and ripen the cervix, preparINg it for effacement and dilation durINg labor. ThIS process IS vital for the cervix to open gradually, allowINg for smooth passage.

RelaxIN IS what IS responsible for a Woman's pelvic bowl / diaphragm expandINg by 30% throughout pregnancy. KNOWING THIS, BE mINdful about how you move your Body when you are pregnant. That IS, do not take advantage of your NEW FOUND flexibility and suppleness. Respect and revere the flexibility and suppleness by usINg it with INtention. Some Women do take advantage of thIS flexibility and suppleness and it leads to INjury.

RelaxIN plays a pivotal role IN widenINg the pelvic bowl / diaphragm, which IS essential for accommodatINg the Baby's head as it descends through the Birth canal. ThIS widenINg allows the Baby to navigate the pelvic bones more easily durINg labor, promotINg a smoother and less obstructed BirthINg process.

RelaxIN contributes to uterINe contractility, helpINg to regulate the frequency and INtensity of contractions durINg labor. ThIS hormone works IN Harmony with other labor-INvitINg and labor-INspirINg hormones, orchestratINg a coordINated, coherent and INtegrated labor process.

DurINg the last trimester, relaxIN prompts the rupture of the membranes surroundINg the fetus. Additionally, it stimulates the growth, openINg, and softenINg of the cervix and vagina and aids the (Organic) process of ChildBirth. RelaxIN also relaxes the ligaments at the front of the pelvic bowl / diaphragm which leads to more easeful labour.

OverAll, the High Presence and concentration of relaxIN enables parturition (which IS the process of BirthINg a baby and Placenta through the vagINa). That IS, a High Presence and concentration of relaxIN promotes and supports PHYSIOLOGICAL BIRTH.

ThIS IS why it IS so important to WEave relaxIN INto the conversation more BEcause thIS hormone Serves as a GUARDIAN of the Birth Continuum, alongside the many other hormones WE hear about more frequently IN this conversation (like progesterone, estrogen and oxytocIN).