Culturally, we have BEen programmed to associate resentment with holding a grudge against some person or event.

However ... when you break down this word, you recognize and INnerstand it's True meaning, and the Quantum POTENTIALITY & Artistry of it.


the etymology of re-


back to the ORIGINal place

conveying the notion of "undoing" or going "backward"

restoration to a former state

the etymology of sent

to go

to find one's way

RESENTMENT IS a portal / doorway back to your ORIGINal state, back to your core Self, back to your INnateness, back to your INnocence, back to your INtegrity.

Resentment IS your reaction to re-sent INformation ... and ultimately your resistance to Remembering and Reclaiming who you really are BEyond what causes you pain, trauma, suffering, disembodiment, disempowerment, domestication and separation.

Your INner child / Highest Self IS sending you these memories, this data, and this INformation, over and over again, asking for your assistance, asking for you to process your pain fully, asking for you to forgive, asking for you to reclaim your Power, and asking for you to Liberate yourSelf from cycles of suffering.

Your INner child / Highest Self IS presenting you with an opportunity (a port to Unity) to either assist or resist.

As long as you resist the re-sent data / INformation, you will BE IN resentment.

The key to lifting your frustration, anger, hostility and blame (whether Self or towards others) IS to thank that INner most part of you for presenting HerSelf ... and coming back to the PURITY of your Heart so that you can ACCESS, choose and EMBODY the RADIANT TRUTH & KNOWING OF THE LOVE THAT YOU ARE.

You aren't necessarily the reason all this data exists ... much of it IS INherited and encoded IN your DNA (IN terms of y(our) ANCESTRY, as well as y(our) HUMANITY ~ because we all share gene codons / gene keys) .

However, here you stand BEing presented with these memories and data.

Your point of Power?


When faced with such data you are BEing asked TO RESPOND.

This responding / CAPACITY TO RESPOND IS what IS referred to as BEing 100% responsible.

This IS A CALL TO ACTION ... to simply send Love to that part of you that carries these memories, this data and this INformation (your INner child), rather than judging and seperating yourSelf from a person you associate with those memories, that data and that INformation (for example).

YOU SHOW UP IN LOVE ... and Divinity and Grace purifies. The practice IS to recognize when you are IN resistance and to shift INto Love and TRUTH.

Additionally, cultivate and find tools that support you IN actively moving through the INclination to resist the data .. and that bring you INto a state of Heart coherence.

When you allow yourSelf to purify what IS BEing re-sent, then that IS the last circulation of that data and you have purified not only its influence & impact upon you, but all those who were ever effected or were to BE effected by that energetic imprint IN the collective energy grid.

I Trust this will serve as a potent & emPowering perspective shift, and upgrade for you!

Deep Bows,

Your Mirror