IN Organic and traditional societies, INitiations and Rites of Passage WEre INterwoven INto the very fabric of society. They WEre culturally HIGHLY valued, revered and respected and ceremonialized by and withIN commUNITY. INitiations and Rites of Passage acted as important markers of coming INto age or coming INto a NEW AGE and acted as a bridge for smooth passage from One age to another. Such ceremony’s WEre encoded with the INtention to provide the One coming of age with orientation, direction, Purpose and Faith to bring forth with them. It provided the One coming of age with a sense of IDENTITY and to walk forward Knowing what role and function that identity Serves withIN the greater Whole establishing an even deeper sense of BELONGING and therefore meaning IN Life. They WEre about Knowing where you came from, so that you could move onward IN confidence and therefore success. IN the modernized context, these ESSENTIAL INitiations, Rites of Passage and ceremonies are devalued and therefore not practised, leaving many people feeling lost, without direction, without purpose and without Faith.
There are 4 main INitiations and Rites of Passage that I Will BE exploring the symbolism and significance of with the INtention of telling you why it IS so important to restore them.
BEINg Born itSelf IS the ORIGINal INitiation every Woman / Human goes and grows through. A coming INto EXISTENCE.
It IS so important to mark this transition Because it acts as an UMBILICAL chord BEtween you, The Earth and commUNITY.
It IS an anchorINg INto your roots. A settling and softening INto Life. A connection with One’s Ancestry, HERitage, culture and CommUNITY. A celebration of your BEcomINg and BEINg. An arrival INto your INnateness.
IN Organic and traditional society’s the Birth of a Child was a HIGHLY celebrated time for it reflected the overAll continuation of a commUNITY.
Some examples of Birth ceremony’s are placenta plantINg, baptism (God-parents), and Name-givINg.
The transition from Childhood to Maidenhood IS another significant INitiation and Rite of Passage IN a Woman’s Life. This transition IS marked by the drawing of Her first blood.
IN Organic and traditional society’s the drawing of Her first blood was a HIGHLY celebrated time for it reflected the overAll fertility of a commUNITY. A fertility which ensured continual Creation and prolific futures.
This IS an INitiation that Creates a clear line BEtween Childhood and Maidenhood and BEtween dependence and INterdependence (through a process of INdividuation). This time represents the moment when the child assumes more responsibility for Herself, for Her Choice and for Her actions.
It IS so important to mark this transition BEcause the often explosive energies of INdividuation require some kind of container IN which they can BE channeled constructively. This IS a time when Her unique, INborn gifts and talents are more ripe for cultivation and when Her Place IN the greater Web of Life BEcomes more clear.
Some examples of Maiden ceremony’s are learning traditional skills from Elders (cooking, handcrafting, Home care, homesteading, Herbal medicine), a red tent ceremony, The Pelazon ceremony (A Tikuna Tribe Tradition where the Maiden Lives IN a house alone for One year) and a flower dance.
The transition from Maidenhood to Motherhood IS another significant INitiation and Rite of Passage IN a Woman’s Life. This transition IS marked by the Birth of Her own Child.
IN Organic and traditional society’s the Birthing of Her own Child was a HIGHLY celebrated time for it reflected the overAll vitality of a commUNITY. A vitality ensured continual Creation and prolific futures.
This IS an INitiation that celebrates THE BIRTH OF THE MOTHER. This IS an INitiation that recognizes that The Mother IS also a NEW BORN.
It IS so important to mark the transition from Maiden to Mother BEcause it IS One of the greatest and most transformative experiences IN a Woman’s Life. When a Woman goes and grows through this experience without marking it, Honoring it, and celebrating it appropriately and Devoceanally IN commUNITY, She severs HerSelf from the opportUNITY of anchoring IN fully and therefore flowering fully IN this new expression, emBodiment, role and responsibility.
Some examples of Mother ceremony’s are Motherbaby Blessingways (A Navajo Tradition) and Closing of the Bones Ceremony (helps bring bones, organs & muscles INto alignment and Harmony and supports and Serves Mama to fully INtegrate Her Birthing experience).
The transition from Motherhood to MATRIARCH IS another significant INitiation and Rite of Passage IN a Woman’s Life. This transition IS marked by Her last bleed.
This IS when a Woman BEcomes THE ELDER. The etymology of The Word elder BEINg to nourish.
That IS, to nourish the commUNITY with Her cultivated and nutrient-dense Wisdom.
It IS so important to mark the transition from Mother to MATRIARCH to reveal to Her that She IS still of value and that She still plays a significant and crucial role IN preserving Harmony withIN the commUNITY. She does so by sharing Wisdom, skills & stories that strengthen commUNITY ties, kinship and ensures the continual cultivation and passing along of Life-affirming traditions, both tangible & INtangible.
While many cultures celebrate the aging process and venerate their Elders, IN more Westernized cultures and contexts, where youth (The Maiden) IS fetishized, Elders are commonly removed from the commUNITY and relegated to hospitals and nursing homes. They are often discarded like they are no longer of worth or of value (which IS INborn). IN more traditional, Organic and collectivist cultures and contexts discarding an Elder IN this way would BE considered an act of disrespect. To care for those who once cared for us IS One of the Highest Honours.
Some examples of MATRIARCH ceremony’s are the INHERitance of a Family Heirloom from your Mother’s line and the making of an altar to Honor All the Matriarchs BEfore you and of All of the Matriarchs-to-BE.
INitiations and Rites of Passage have three stages: separation, transition and INtegration.
The first stage separation, INvolves separating from One's “old” identity. This IS a time of metaphorical death. This IS a time of contraction.
The second stage, transition, INvolves the transition from One identity to another. This IS a time of rebirth. This IS a time of both contraction and expansion.
The third stage, INtegration, INvolves INtegrating the “new” identity INto one's Life and BEINg. This IS a time of arrival. This IS a time of EMBRACE.
By Creating, holding and participating IN these INitiations and Rites of Passage WE give BIRTH to the mature and nourished Feminine, and from there WE give Birth to a Harmonic and WHOLESOME society.
If you feel the call to explore THE INITIATION from Maidenhood to Motherhood IN commUNITY, join WE IN RIPENING. A Rite of Passage that ritualizes & sanctifies a Woman's Matrescence journey.
Restoring this rite of passage IS vital IN ensuring that WE leave BEhind Legacy's of INtegrity and WHOLENESS for our Children, and BEyond that, for the entire LIVING WORLD.
When WE Truly INtegrate our responsibility and role as THE MOTHER WE are able to Create and cultivate family systems that are a reflection of that INTEGRATION. That IS y(our) GREATEST GIFT and Service to The World, for Harmonious Homes are the BIRTH PLACE of Harmonious commUNITY's and society's.
If you have landed here, it IS BEcause you Know with every beat of your Heart that there IS a tradition of Motherhood that IS God-led and Faith-fuelled that you are DESTINED for and that IS meant to BE experienced THROUGH YOU.
With Love,