I’ll preface thIS piece with statINg that: cervical sweepINg, also Known as a “stretch and sweep”, makes no significant difference to morbidity and mortality. IN other Words, thIS routINe procedure does not have a meanINgful impact on health outcomes (morbidity) or the likelihood of survival (mortality) for either the MotHER or the Baby.
IN medical discourse, the language used often frames stretch and sweeps as a preventative measure agaINst the need for drug-INduced labor and other INterventions. However, thIS narrative eclipses The Truth that a stretch and sweep IS itself an INduction and INtervention.
It’s still a Mystery and Miracle what Truly INitiates the Birth process and exactly what mechanisms and responses and so on must occur IN order for it to unfold. However, WE do Know that the Baby’s respiratory readiness plays a crucial role. The fINal development IN Utero IS the lungs, and when they are ready, a hormonal exchange IS triggered by the Baby, which IS associated with the onset of labor.
“The fetus contributes to the initiation of labor by signalling the mother when its lungs have achieved sufficient maturity for survival in an aerobic environment."1
"Labor was associated with lower odds of neonatal respiratory morbidity compared with no labor for neonates delivered from 36–39 weeks of gestation. A 1-week increase in gestational age was associated with a 1.2 times increase in the adjusted odds ratio for the neonatal outcome comparing labor and no labor."2
That IS, labor occurrINg Naturally BEtween 36 to 39 weeks of gestation was lINked to reduced chances of newBorn respiratory issues compared to cases without labor. Moreover, with every additional week of gestational age, tHere was a 1.2-fold INcrease IN the likelihood of a healthier neonatal outcome when comparINg INstances with labor to those without.
ThIS provides scientific evidence for those who require it, that HighLights that INducINg labor — that IS, the forceful and INvasive methods to stimulate uterINe contractions BEfore labor Naturally BEgINs — poses a direct risk of respiratory complications for the newBorn.
Now, back to the hormonal exchange that IS triggered when the Baby has reached respiratory readiness.
These hormones primarily work by softenINg tissue and allowINg for shifts IN the fascial matter and matrix, preparINg, positionINg and primINg the Maternal Body for Birth by affectINg the shape, structure, mobility, and yieldINg Nature of the tissues.
What further propels thIS hormonal cascade IS pressure on the Cervix. The Baby’s PresentINg part (head, or bum/feet, if breech) applies pressure on the Cervix, sendINg signals to the BraIN, which IN turn produces more oxytocIN. ThIS oxytocIN travels through the Bloodstream to the newly proliferated oxytocIN receptors IN and around the Uterus and Pelvic tissues. ThIS Creates an INvolution IN the UterINe tissue, guidINg the Baby to apply more pressure on the Cervical tissue, further engagINg the Maternal tissues. It’s a BEaUtiful and brilliant dance and feedback system.
Furthermore, Fetal positionINg, and how the Baby IS arranged withIN the Pelvis to make consistent and symmetrical contact with the Cervix, plays a significant role IN INitiatINg the hormonal cascade that IS crucial not just for the onset, but for the active labor process of Birth, as WELL.
Many / most Women experience moderate to severe paIN durINg and after cervical sweepINg. ThIS paIN INevitably activates their sympathetic nervous system, disablINg them from BEINg IN a state of rest, receptivity, and relaxation, which Will directly impact the Birth process from takINg it's Natural — Perfect course.
ThIS brINgs me to the INseparability of the MotHER and Baby.
If the MotHER IS uncomfortable, so IS the Baby. If the MotHER IS IN distress, the Baby mirrors that distress — and vice versa. It BEcomes and IS more and more clear that, most / many routINe procedures are performed more for the comfort and convenience of the medical staff, at the expense of both the short-term and long-term health of the MotHER and Baby ... and tHerefore the LivINg World.
While I agree that many of these providers have BEen (mis)led to BElieve that they’re doINg good by Women, MotHERs and their Children — I offer these poINts of reflection.
If BIG PHARMA IS co-opted by Satans AUTHORity and IS IN contract with Him (which, it IS) — it logically follows / goes without sayINg that many members of BIG PHARMA (medical professionals) are also co-opted by Satans AUTHORity and IN contract with Him.
Can WE separate and disentangle the place from the people?
If WE recognize the system's capacity for detriment, WE must also hold medical professionals accountable for their role withIN it. They are, after All, the hands and Voice of the system IN action. Can WE really extricate a doctor or nurse and so on from the overarchINg dynamics of the medical-INdustrial complex? ThIS conundrum forces us to confront the uncomfortable reality that the INtegrity of both the INdividual and the INstitution are deeply INterconnected — an INterconnectedness that underscores the need for accountability at both the INdividual and INstitutional levels.
Doctors, or anyOne for that matter, should not BE the Ones to Know thIS space more than us.
Ultimately, All Women are capable of connectINg with and checkINg their own Cervixes. Not only are All Women capable of that — they have a responsibility to do so.
It’s a profound reflection of the World WE Live IN that many / most Women have never seen or touched thIS INtimate part of themselves, yet are so quick to grant a stranger access to thIS space. ThIS IS BEcause WE’ve BEen conditioned to BElieve that those IN the medical field, hold AUTHORity over our Bodies — our Land. An essential element of restorINg Womanhood, Wifehood, and MotHERhood as God conceived and commanded it INvolves reclaimINg our (Birth)right to our own Body — a Body which IS a temple of the Holy Spirit. IN the exploitation culture WE Live IN, Women who stand IN their full AUTHORity and agency — authority and agency which IS given to them by God — pose a significant threat.
How can WE Truly own the emBodied, edifyINg and ENLIVENING experience of Birth if / when WE have disowned our Bodies? If WE contINue to hand over the responsibility to others, WE remaIN disconnected from the very essence of our Womanhood. The distortion and the dis-ease lies IN the disownment — the act of surrenderINg our Sovereignty over to medical professionals (which IN my personal Truth system, IS an act of idolatry). It's the externalizINg of responsibility that has led to our own Land BEINg foreign to us.
The SOULution then … IS to familiarize. (RE)commUNION.
The Truth IS that, No One could possibly have more "specialized" Knowledge on the state of a Woman's Cervix, than the Woman whose Cervix IS IN question.
HavINg said All of that,
I Pray for a World wHere CAREproviders (of any and All kINds) prioritize supportINg the Organic BIOmechanics of Birth, which INHERently enables the hormonal matrix and cascade and enhances the feedback systems, that are VITAl for physiological / Biblical Birth. Rather than relyINg on artificial and abrupt methods that attempt (and fail) to replace or replicate these roles and functions, WE have to (re)INtegrate and reINforce practices that preServe the INtegrity of God's BIOlogical and physiological design for Birth.