There are 3 paths to ultimate success.
The first is to Live from your impeccable Nature — from your INtegrity.
The second is to Live from your impeccable Nature — from your INtegrity.
The third is to Live from your impeccable Nature — from your INtegrity.
Know this — genius occurs when you fully INhabit your INnateness.
When something IS born from your INtegrity — success commences, and success persists.
INtegrity brings about success because it champions Trust.
A fertile and rich future grows from the root of INtegrity. INtegrity Creates and cultivates greater harvest and bounty.
Without the revival of INtegrity IN business, the Created Will destroy its Creator.
How would you move if you Knew that your success IS imminent?
How would you move if you Knew that your success IS guaranteed?
How would you move if you Knew that your success simply IS?
Would you move from fear, or Love?
Would you move from the lie of y(our) scarcity, or the Truth of y(our) abundance?
Would you move from fragmentation, or INTEGRITY?