THere exists a unique, yet universal kINd of MotHERhood, One Known by many, yet Named by few — the Childless MotHER.
I AM One of them.
ThIS path I walk INternally, for externally, the symbol of MotHERhood — a Child — IS non-existent.
MotHERhood INitiated, but not fulfilled.
Conception changed me. BIOlogically. Physiologically. Energetically. Spiritually. On the most cellular level, I was no longer the Woman I once was, prior to.
I experienced profound transformation, yet it was unseen and unacKnowledged IN the absence of a Child to hold.
THere IS a void that accompanies thIS kINd of MotHERhood that’s difficult to articulate and describe. THere IS a Love that remaINs unexpressed yet deeply felt.
Our fundamentally antenatal (Pro-Choice) culture, fails to recognize the gravity of thIS loss.
Many Women carry thIS hidden identity, MotHERs IN their right, yet bereft of the opportUNITY to see their MotHERhood through IN the traditional Way. IN their HeARTs, the whispers of what could have BEen stir, both subtly and substantially.
God moved me today to give Voice to thIS unspoken grief.
SomethINg that’s taken deeper Root IN me IN thIS season (and that I have found solace IN) IS that MotHERhood (just like Holy Matrimony) exists to poINt us to God, to make us IN His image, to make us HOLY. It exists for our Spiritual sanctification, not our fleshly satisfaction.
It’s so easy to make MotHERhood an idol, and to turn our worship towards MotHERhood — and aWay from Him.
Our mINistry IS first and foremost through our relationship with Him and our Devotion to Him.
Every aspect of thIS journey IS laced with God’s Grace. Every element of thIS journey IS Purposed to enhance our relationship with God.
I AM Humbly remINded that our BIOlogical fertility IS a Gift granted by God, for God’s Glory (not our own).