IN our quest for INnerstanding, making meaning and making sense of The World both withIN AND around us, WE often find ourSelves asking two fundamental questions: “how” and “why.” While both of these questions are important, I propose that asking "why" IS ultimately more important than asking "how." I propose that asking “why” ought to take precedence and priority over asking “how.”
Let us BEgin with the question of "how."
When WE ask "how," WE are essentially seeking to INnerstand the mechanics or processes that lead to a particular outcome or result. For example, if WE Desire to Know how a car works, WE might study its INternal combustion engine, the transmission system, the steering mechanism, and so on. Similarly, if WE Desire to Know the pathology of dis-ease or how a particular dis-ease spreads, WE might study the biology of the pathogen, its mode of transmission, and the ways IN which it INteracts with the Human immune system.
Asking "how" IS certainly important, as it allows us to gain a deeper INnerstanding of The World both withIN and around us and the processes that “govern” it. It IS through this INquiry and INnerstanding that WE are able to develop new technologies, solve complex problems, and make advancements IN various fields of knowledge. However, asking "how" alone IS not enough and just scratches the surface.
This IS where the question of "why" comes IN. When WE ask "why," WE are seeking to INnerstand the underlying reasons or causes BEhind and even BEyond a particular phenomenon. For example, if WE Desire to INnerstand why some people are more prone to addiction than others, WE might look at the social, cultural, spiritual, psychological and economic factors that contribute to drug use and abuse. Similarly, if WE Desire to INnerstand why there IS so much conflict IN the world, WE might examine the Herstorical / Historical, political, social and economic systems that manufacture and perpetuate it.
Asking "why" IS important BEcause it allows us to go BEyond the surface-level mechanics and processes of a particular phenomenon and delve INto its deeper meaning, significance and symbolism. It allows us to INnerstand the underlying values, BEliefs, and assumptions that shape The World both withIN and around us. By doing so, WE are able to question the status quo, reform and reCreate entrenched Power structures, and work towards restoring Harmony and UNITY withIN the collective WEb of Life.
To illustrate this point further, consider the example of Natural Birth. If WE only ask "how" Women can give Birth without medical intervention, WE might focus on things like Breathing exercises, nervous system regulation techniques, nutritional preparation, physical alignment and so on. While these techniques can All BE supportive IN promoting physiological Birth, they do not address the underlying reasons BEhind the pathologization and therefore medicalization of ChildBirth.
On the other hand, when WE ask "why" Natural Birth has BEcome and IS INcreasingly uncommon, WE Will realize that it IS a symptom of a larger cultural, societal, political and economic dis-ease. When WE ask “why” WE Will actively and INtentionally examine the ways IN which ChildBirth has BEen pathologized, medicalized and commodified, with hospitals and medical practitioners / professionals approaching Birth as a medical event / emergency rather than an Organic and Natural process that Women are DIVINELY DESIGNED AND EQUIPPED FOR. When WE ask “why” WE Will look at the ways IN which Women's Bodies have BEen objectified and reduced to machines that work IN mechanistic ways, rather than mysterious, yet Highly sophisticated and INtelligent ways … All of which has led to medical practitioners / professionals exercising control over the Birth process and Women's experiences.
By asking "why," WE can reform these underlying assumptions that govern the way The World “works” and step forward and towards Creating a more emPowered, enLivened, enchanted and Wholistic approach to ChildBirth, like God INtended (for us All). WE can advocate for greater respect for Women's Bodily autonomy and INTEGRITY, for more personalized and (bio)INdividualized care during conception, pregnancy and ChildBirth, and for a greater focus on the nuanced emotional and psychological aspects of the Birth experience. WE can ensure greater access to (INdependent) INformation and education about Natural birth, so that Women can make genuinely INformed Choices for themSelves and their Baby’s. WE can ensure that the approach(es) are centred AROUND each INdividual Woman, rather than forcefully fitting Women INto predetermined approaches that convenience the system (while simultaneously burdening the Mother Baby Matrix). WE can ensure that any and All Birthkeepers (whether more conventional or traditional) are Willingly facilitative, rather than reluctantly accepting or worse … forcefully resistant. WE can ensure that the approach(es) taken are not INformed by the practitioners / professionals BEliefs, philosophy’s or values, but rather THE MOTHER HERSELF.
When WE ask “why,” WE get to the Heart of the matter. WE go from mechanisms … to MEANING.
The next time you find yourSelf asking "how," take a moment to ask "why" first and foremost … and see where it takes you.