Let me start off by saying that Nature IS the ULTIMATE antidote to stress (of All kinds, and on All levels).

Think about it .. when you take a moment (however long or brief) to observe a tree, and watch its branches dancing IN the wind and the sunLight leaking through the leaves, you FEEL happier. You feel more relaxed. You feel more calm. You feel more Present. 

Shinrin-yoku, as a formal physiological and psychospiritual practice was first established, and given its name by Tomohide Akiyama IN 1982. Shinrin IN Japanese means “forest,” and yoku means “bath.” The practice was to take IN the forest’s atmosphere through one’s senses. 

At the time, He was the director general of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan, and felt as though the people of Japan were IN need of Nature therapy and healing. This INitiative was also a part of a campaign to protect the forests. He Knew that if people were encouraged to go to the forests more often, that they would also BE more likely to feel connected to them, and therefore more actively protect and take care of them. The Japanese government INvested a lot of money IN these forest-bathing INItiatives to 1) prevent Lifestyle related dis-ease, and 2) to promote the overAll health and WellBEing of the local commUNITY, local forests, and local environment. 

The people of Japan quickly embraced this form of ecotherapy. IN the 1990s, researchers began studying the physiological benefits of forest-bathing, providing the science to support what WE INnately feel and KNOW to BE True IN our Body’s ~~~~ BEing immersed IN Nature IS gooooood for us.

There IS a well-Known researcher from Japan called Dr. Qing Li who STUDIES FOREST MEDICINE. The research He has conducted / the work He has done has proven that BEing around trees AKA FOREST-BATHING (BATHING IN THEIR ENERGY) … makes you both happier, and HEALTHIER. His work has showed us that forest-bathing can reduce stress, anxiety, depression; and can have positive effects on sleep, energy levels, immunological function, as Well as, cardiovascular, metabolic and digestive health. 

One of the most observed benefits of forest-bathing IS the enhancement of the immune system. This IS because the forest atmosphere IS abundant IN phytoncides. 

Phytoncides are volatile organic compounds (VOCs) given off by trees. These naturally / organically occurring chemicals have natural antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti fungal and insecticidal properties and qualities that protect the tree from germs, parasites, infections and any invasive species. Plants IN general use phytoncides to shield themSelves from what may BE considered a pest or a predator, to Self-protect, and to Self-heal.

Phytoncides contain terpenes, the aromatic compounds that give plants their distinct scents or ESSENCE.

These are the compounds responsible for the smell of trees, needles, fresh flowers, herbs, barks, roots, leaves, spices, fruits and vegetables.

I Trust you recognize the scents / essence of pine needles or resin, cinnamon, basil, lavender, eucalyptus, and orange (to name a few).

Terpenes are responsible for a plant’s potent aroma and ESSENCE, and have been found to have many medicinal benefits.

Different plants IN the Plant Kingdom contain different blends of terpenes which, IN turn, produce different smells, aromas, flavours, and therapeutic effects / benefits.

Some of the most commonly found terpenes are:


Pinene IS the first most found terpene IN Nature. Pinene IS responsible for the refreshing and enLivening scent and essence that you experience when you walk through a Pine tree forest. It’s also found IN cannabis, rosemary, basil, and many other plants. Studies have found that pinene has antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, and antidepressant properties, among other therapeutic benefits.


Limonene IS the second most found terpene IN Nature. Limonene IS commonly found IN the rind / peel of citrus fruits. It IS a prominent terpene IN many cannabis strains, and occurs IN chamomile, ginger, turmeric, and pine needles. It’s been shown to have anti-inflammatory, gastro-protective, anti-tumor, anti-nociceptive and neuro-protective properties. It’s also associated with having uplifting, euphoric and antidepressant effect on the Body. 


Linalool IS found IN a wide range of medicinal plants and fruits, including lavender, eucalyptus and citrus. It’s BEen shown to induce anxiolytic and calming effects and may also have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-tumor and neuro-protective properties.


Myrcene IS often referred to as “the Mother of All terpenes,” due to it’s wide-ranging health benefits. Myrcene IS found IN lemongrass, mango, thyme, verbana and cinnamon. Myrcene IS said to have anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, sleep-supportive, nervous system regulating and calming properties. 


Sabinene IS a terpene with a peppery and citrus aroma which IS produced by many species of plants and trees like bergamot, tea tree, nutmeg, Norway spruce, and Holm oak trees. It’s this terpene that contributes to the EARTHY taste of carrots. It IS said that sabinene has Powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anticancer and antifungal properties. 


Camphene IS found IN pine, fir, cypress, spruce, sage and citronella. Camphene IS proven for its ability to fight infections while reducing inflammation and stress on the Body. It IS recognized primarily for its therapeutic properties which include anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antioxidant, analgesic, and anti-fungal.

The Body responds to phytoncides by increasing the number and activity of natural killer (NK) cells. NK cells are lymphocytes / white blood cells of the INNATE immune system and their primary role IS to support the Body IN fighting off INfection. 

A 2006 study regarding NK cells showed how long the effects of forest bathing survive IN the Body. Dr. Qing Li, from the Department of Hygiene and Public Health at Nippon Medical School IN Japan, had 12 male participants, ranging from 35 to 56, take a three-day trip to three different Japanese cypress forests, also Known as Hinoki forests, IN Nagano, Japan. A few months before the forest trip, most of the men took a three-day trip to Nagoya city. Both trips involved the same walking routine for each day. The forest trip increased the number and activity of NK cells IN the participants for as long as 30 days after the fact, whereas the city trip did not increase the number or activity of NK cells IN the participants. 30 DAYS!!! That IS not a negligible amount of days!!

Here’s something fascinating I learned IN my deep dive INto forest medicine over the last 10+ years, that feels pertaining to share here …

Viewing forests through a window has BEen shown to speed up the recovery of hospital patients. IN 1984, researchers on behalf of the American Association for the Advancement of Science collected records from 1972 to 1981 IN a suburban Pennsylvania hospital. There were 46 subjects, 30 females and 16 males, ranging from 20 to 69. All subjects were patients at the hospital and had gone through a cholecystectomy (which IS a gallbladder surgery). The patients were paired by sex and age, and the pairs had identical rooms, each with one window, on the second and third floors of a three-story wing. The windows gave the subjects a view of either deciduous trees or a brick wall. Information used from the patients’ records includes but IS not limited to: days IN the hospital, pain relievers taken each day, minor issues, and notes from the nurses at the hospital. The records showed that the patients with the natural view spent fewer days IN the hospital, received more positive notes from the nurses, took fewer analgesics, took weaker medications, and had fewer post-surgical issues than the patients with the view of a brick wall.

I share the above piece with you because I recognize that it’s not necessarily readily available to everyone around the world to forest-bathe on a consistent basis. It’s clear that you are able to receive medicine from the forest, even when you’re not interacting with it with ALL of your senses.

Through my deep diving I have also found that:

Forest-bathing alleviates and eases stress by reducing the quantity / concentration of stress hormones such as ~ cortisol, adrenaline, and noradrenaline IN the Body.

Forest-bathing simultaneously decreases the activity of the sympathetic nervous system (responsible for fight-or-flight response), while increasing the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system (responsible for rest-and-digest response) ~ which calms a person psychospiritually, physically and physiologically. 

Forest-bathing increases the level of the hormone adiponectin (lower blood adiponectin levels are associated with several metabolic disorders / dis-eases like obesity, type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular dis-ease hypoglycemia, and metabolic syndrome). 

Forest-bathing improves sleep, which inevitably increases energy levels, creativity levels, concentration and focus levels, as Well as memory. 

The benefits are derived, and received from the total effect of the forest environment. The full spectrum benefits are derived, and received through your SENSES.

When you are BATHING IN A FOREST … 

INteract with the environment with All of your senses, to enhance and elevate the quality and BENEFIT of your experience.

Sense of sight ~ take IN the FULL of spectrum colors around you (the leaves, the bark, the moss, the plants, the flowers, the sky, the ground, the wild mushrooms)

Sense of smell ~ take IN the fragrance and essence BEing emitted by the trees, and flora around you (notice how it INteracts with your olfactory system ~ which represents one of the oldest sensory modalities IN the phylogenetic history of mammals)

Sense of hearing ~ take IN the sounds around you, listen to the birds singing, the bees buzzing, the butterfly’s fluttering their wings, the trees leaves rustling IN the wind

Sense of touch ~ engage with the forest with your whole Body, hug a tree trunk, run your fingers across the bark of a tree trunk, rub your lips on the petal of a flower, step on a dried and crunchy leaf with your barefeet

Sense of taste ~ taste the flavors of the forest, engaging with edible flowers, plants, herbs, roots and fruits

PS ~ there IS no right or wrong way to forest-bathe.

You can walk slowly through the forest. You can dance IN the forest. You can go for a jog through the forest. You can sit under a tree. You can simply observe. You can take your shoes off and walk around barefoot. You can have a picnic. You can read a book. You can set up a hammock. You can sing to the trees (something I personally LOVE DOING). You can connect with the Spirit of a tree, and ask it for guidance / wisdom. You will calibrate to what serves you, and feels the most meaningful and Purposeful for you IN this practise.

The “father of medicine” Hippocrates even said: “Nature itSelf IS the best physician.”

Nature IS the Mother of medicine.

May this BE INspiration, and an INvitation to continue to connect with the medicine that the forests of the World house.

Gratitude to the Divine Mother,

Your Mirror