SYNARCHY IS an ancient form of COMMUNITY and COMMUNAL MANAGEMENT / ORGANIZATION (and resilience) that IS BEing resurrected. 

It ultimately leads to a more enriched, and thriving ecosystem, for All to BE resourced from. 

CONTEMPORARY leadership IS often compared to a "silo" or a vertical arrangement ~~~~ with one leader at the top, who sets the direction and makes ALL the Choices on behalf of the commUNITY. 

Collaborative leadership, IN contrast, IS a CIRCULAR approach, where everyone withIN the commUNITY IS INvolved.

The age of the Guru IS over. 

The age of the Guru IS rooted IN HIERARCHY. The age of the Guru IS rooted IN the GATEKEEPING OF KNOWLEDGE, TEACHINGS, WISDOM AND HEALING. 

WE are entering the age of Synarchy. Picture round table energy. Picture an overflowing WELL that resources ALL, and then never runs dry. 

This IS based on the pretence / KNOWING that every INdividual on Earth has a specific and unique blend and brew of medicine to offer the world / the collective. 

This IS based on the pretence / Knowing that every INdividual IS equipped with the INner RESOURCE(S) to guide themSelves back to their Unified Self. 

And I KNOW that when WE (as a collective) realize .. or rather REMEMBER the Truth of our own synarchy, WE will create the world IN our own likeness.  IN Peace. IN Unity. IN Harmony. 

Synarchy means to rule jointly … it means joint Sovereignty. Collective leadership. 

WE All lead together. 

This does not mean WE are All the same. It means our uniqueness has its own place IN the Holy orchestra / symphony of Life … and WE begin to play IN harmony with everyone else. IN Trust of everyone’s ATTUNEMENT. 

WithIN synarchy … 

~ there IS non-interference (because WE Trust IN God’s Plan … and recognize the Divinity, sanctity and PURPOSEFULNESS OF ALL)

~  WE Know that the shadow IS necessary … and that the shadow eventually organizes it’s own breakdown and therefore breakthrough INto Light (hence the non-interference)

~ WE see everything as it IS … and TRUST it as it IS 

~ WE Know All of Life IS Self-organizing (and WE have FAITH IN this organic INTELLIGENCE) 

~ WE Know that only perfection exists 

Heterarchy IS a part of synarchy … and IS necessary for the optimal functionality, resilience and COHESION of a commUNITY. 

Heterarchy, IS a form of management or rule IN which any unit can govern or BE governed by others, depending on circumstances, and, hence, no one unit dominates the rest. Authority withIN a heterarchy IS distributed (and continually, redistributed). A heterarchy possesses a flexible structure made up of interdependent units, and the relationships between those units are characterized by multiple intricate linkages that create circular paths rather than hierarchical ones.

SYNARCHY IS SO NECESSARY IN the socio-political climate WE find ourSelves IN, and will CATALYZE the next phase / breakthrough of Human INvolution. 

True, embodied, INTEGRATED Leaders do not create followers .. they create more leaders. 

That’s what Gurus do fundamentally … IS create followers, and WORSHIPPERS. Who will BLINDLY TRUST them. Who will BLINDLY INvest their Faith IN them. Who will blindly follow them. Hence why there IS a lot of fanaticism that revolves around those who call themSelves Gurus or identify as Gurus. 

This brings me to a piece about the God / Messiah complex (aka SUPERIORITY COMPLEX). 

Many leaders are operating from their spiritual ego and Truly believe they are above the people they serve. What’s BEcoming immensely clear IS that these kinds of leaders are not serving their people / their commUNITY .. they are actually HAVING THEIR EGOS SERVED THROUGH THEIR PEOPLE AND THEIR COMMUNITY (read that again). 

They keep themselves on top of everything ~~~~ at the top of the food chain, at the top of hierarchy … where everything and everyone else IS BELOW THEM.  For them, they are superior, elite and UNTOUCHABLE.

It’s a psychological state of mind when the person develops the belief that they have much more abilities and Powers. That they are a “Chosen ONE”. That they have something special that no one else does. That they have tapped INto something that no one else can tap INto. 

When you are the leader, it’s tempting that you should have All the answers. However, the focus and main priority and INtention must BE emPowering your people and your commUNITY so that they can find their own soulutions .. for themSelves …. through themSelves.

This brings me to an elaboration on POWER, and the difference between Power-over and Power-with. 

Each time you allow yourSelf to SEE, reflect on, and contemplate the Power dynamics that are at play around you, as well as the Power dynamics that you participate IN (or have historically participated IN) … you BEcome a BRIDGE OF RECONCILIATION that heals the fractures, and that unifies the fragments IN the collective Human genome caused by abuse, misuse, or unconscious uses of Power. 

POWER-OVER IS the paradigm of Power that WE (as a collective) have BEen operating IN for thousands of years … and IS an expression and emBodiment of unINtegrated or distorted forms of Power. A tell-tale sign of a Power-over structure IS HIERARCHY. Hierarchy produces competition … which creates a “need” for control. IN hierarchical structure Power IS a finite resource, IS “limited,” and IS therefore “hoarded”. Hierarchy IS fundamentally rooted IN scarcity … and nothing breeds violence like scarcity does. Hierarchy IS also very much so rooted IN CODEPENDENCY. Where there IS a leader, and a (blind) follower. Where there IS a saviour and a(n) (unKnowing) victim. 

Power-over models are based on dominance and they are prominent IN many aspects of our culture, particularly IN politics, religious institutions, education systems, global corporations, or other hierarchical structures that seek to create uniformity, conformity, compliance and docility accomplished by and motivated through coercion, shame, fear and manipulation. For this reason Power-over structures, systems and / or dynamics do not value Truly INformed, emBodied and emPowered choice.

WE have All BEen programmed INto this INORGANIC and distorted structure where WE believe that certain people have the right (because of their “position”) to control us or exercise Power-over us. Like a security guard. Or a teacher. Or a doctor. Or a police officer. 

You can recognize Power-over as colonizer energy. When someone attempts to IMPOSE their will onto you … or when you expect people to forfeit their personal Power, by coercing them or belittling them, or disemPowering them (there’s no shame … you are Human, we have All BEen there).

Extreme expressions of Power-over are especially evident IN large systems and corporations that have historically caused, and continue to cause colossal harm to the Earth, the world, and Humanity … IN the name of capitalism and neoliberalism. 

The privatization of natural resources has led to the systemically-sanctioned stealing, hoarding, controlling and imbalanced allocation / distribution of the Earth's gifts and medicine (cue companies like Monsanto, Nestle … among many others). The privatization of natural resources has led to entire countries living IN poverty, and without clean / drinking water or food … to RESOURCE the hedonistic and overindulgent pursuits and culture of commonwealth countries. 

Not to mention the fact that white-collar crime IS underlooked, and systematically-sanctioned … because IN a capitalist and neoliberal society … losses of profit are considered more costly than losses of habitat, health, Wellth and HOME.

When Human rights and dignity are overthrown / overPowered AND when the Earth IS continuously disrespected, dishonoured and extracted from to serve economic gain for the few IN Power … we’re achingly replicating centuries of violence, disharmony and disorder. When greed swallows the oppressors / dominators INto blindness oblivion, utterly INhumane acts can BE / BEcome quickly rationalized. There IS muuuuuch historical evidence that illuminates this.

POWER-WITH on the other hand, IS a consensual, harmonic and INtegrated expression and emBodiment of Power. Power-with IS founded upon a commitment and Devotion to conscious relating (and / or leadership, if you consider yourSelf a BEing of service) … through radical Self-awareness and radical Self-responsibility. 

Power-with IS built on mutual respect, mutual support, shared Power, solidarity, commUNITY, interdependence. 

The current organizing principles of Life are IN hierarchy, this IS an indisputable fact. Our INvolution, and transcendence (trance-ending) as a species IS the passage from hierarchy to synarchy. 

A tell-tale sign of a Power-with structure IS SYNARCHY. As aforementioned synarchy generally means “joint Sovereignty,” "joint rule" or "harmonious rule". IN synarchical structures Power IS unlimited, and IS therefore happily shared. IN synarchical structures Power IS not reserved for few, but rather, accessible to All. No one IS more important, or more valued than the other. Everyone’s medicine and magic elevates, fortifies and potentiates the Whole. Everyone’s medicine and magic RESOURCES and enriches the WHOLE ecosystem. 


Power-with structures, systems and / or dynamics deeeeeply value Truly INformed, embodied and emPowered choice.

Power-with IS the journey of embodiment. Of BEing fully IN your Body … and therefore, practicing FULL agency, and engaging IN Power dynamics that are rooted IN Love & Truth of the Highest order. Power-with IS expressed and emBodied (and enabled) through your capacity to Wellcome, soothe, and tend to your reactive animal Body. To Wellcome, soothe, and tend to your triggered INner child. To meet fear, and alchemize it INto Love. Power-with IS expressed and emBodied (and enabled) when you transcend your scarcity consciousness, and Know your INnateness. When you Know your INnateness you recognize that the expression and emBodiment of another’s Power, IS simply an activator, accelerator and potentiator of your own (rather than a taker, stifler or detriment). 

WE are more likely to express, emBody and ENABLE a POWER-WITH dynamic when WE are IN right relationship with our POWER WITHIN, and therefore our POWER TO. 

POWER WITHIN refers to the connection someone has with their INner and INnate Power. With their sense of Self. With their sense of BElonging. With their sense of Truth and Trust. With their sense of CREATIVITY / creative potential. With their sense of CHOICE. 

Your earliest experiences as a child of getting (or not getting) your needs met, of BEing heard (or not BEing heard), of BEing treated with respect and dignity and so on BEcame the template for: how you relate to Power as an adult, whether you seek control over people, or whether you allow others to exercise control over you by BEing submissive, for example (and this may vary contextually and circumstantially as well). 

As children, many of us were put IN positions where WE were rewarded for forfeiting our personal Power (which compromised our connection to the POWER WITHIN). How this manifests IN adulthood (based off of what I have seen through my work with hundreds of people) IS either: continually and chronically forfeiting your personal Power as an adult (to appease others, to keep the peace and so on) … OR BEcoming and BEing a tyrant, exercising control over others, and manipulating others to forfeit their personal Power for your personal gain. So either have Power exercised OVER you, or exercising it OVER someone. 

POWER TO refers to the generative / creative potential of Power of every HUMAN BEING, and the new possibilities that can BE created through them. Power to refers to the unique potential of every person to shape His or Her Life .. and WORLD through the Quantum ARTISTRY of their CHOICE.

Some contemplations for you to play with ~~~~

What IS my relationship to Power historically? What / who IS my relationship to Power INformed by?

IN which relationships (or arenas of life) do I tend to BE more dominant and assertive? How aware AM I of other people’s boundaries & honoring their consent?

Which relationships (or arenas of life) do I tend to BE more submissive and passive?

What are the ways IN which I give my Power away IN relationship (of any kind)?

What tendencies do I have of putting people IN positions to forfeit their personal Power, their Choice and their INtegrity (BE honest with yourSelf here)? Allow yourSelf to illuminate these unchecked and unINtegrated aspects of Self.

Write a list of moments IN your Life where you exercised control over another … where you domesticated and colonized their existence, expression or embodiment. What comes through IS asking for your reconciliation / reclamation.

Write a list of moments IN your Life where you relinquished your personal Power because you didn’t Know better at the time, or how to Self-Choose / Self-advocate IN that moment. What comes through IS asking for your reconciliation / reclamation.

I’d Love to Know … 

IS this your first time hearing about the concepts of Power-over and Power-with? IS this your first time hearing about synarchy?

I Trust this has sparked Remembrance, inspiration and / or vision IN you.

PS ~ if you ARE feeling the call to explore synarchy on a deeper level, IN an EMBODIED way and withIN commUNITY I INvite you to tap INto the SACRED SERVICE WELL ~~~~ Sacred Service

Your Mirror