To elevate, exalt, dignify.
To BEstow with Honour and Grace.
The Voice IS a gift from God.
The Voice IS the ORIGINal INstrument, Created by God.
From the first cry of LIFE as WE take out first few Breaths, our Voice IS a way that WE connect WITH THE LIVING WORLD, make our Presence Known, Create meanINg and shape our IDENTITY and sense of BELONGING to the Whole IN WHOLENESS. It has BEen said that your Voice IS your identity IN sound. It tells the World, through its candor, cadence, position, poise, tone, resonance, energy, and expression, who YOU are. Your Voice IS a Highly unique measure of WHO YOU ARE as AN INDIVIDUATED SELF. Just like your fINgerprINt.
The Word personality comes from the Latin persona which means “through sounds.” When you consider the etymology of personality you are told a simple, yet profound story of the vital role SOUND plays IN forming your personality and identity. It IS said that our Voice gives our consciousness EVIDENCE OF ITSELF. The consciousness of our NATURAL Voice which comes from God allows the “Knower to BEcome Known to Him or HerSelf.”
WE exchange with people, WE declare promises of Eternity, WE celebrate, WE wage war, WE judge, WE affirm Life, WE cause dis-ease, WE restore Faith, WE manipulate ALL by synergizing OUR WORD and OUR VOICE (sound).
Feel INto how INtoxicating laughter IS. Feel INto how bone-chillINg a scream can BE. Feel INto how a song can transport you to another dimension or evoke such deep emotion.
The Voice IS an everyday tool that WE use and have available to us, yet so many people take thIS tool for granted. I Know I have IN the past.
WE speak and SING the World INto Creation. Just like The Word … sound IS at the core of Creation.
Your Voice IS Creative and generative. It Breathes, speaks and sINgs REALITY’S INTO EXISTENCE.
When ER speak and when WE sINg WE are CREATING ENERGY. WE ARE GENERATING ENERGY. ThIS IS why you Will often feel saturated with energy and feel fluctuations IN your Body temperature when you are IN the Presence of a sINgINg CHOIR or when you are sINgINg or chantINg yourSelf or when you are PRAYING through spoken Word.
This IS what I mean by WE are and Life IS a CHOIR OF CREATION. WE are All CreatINg through our Word, through our sound and through our song.
Sound animates and crystallizes INTENTION. And furthermore, THE INTEGRITY OF INTENTION. As the INtention sounds INto ETERNITY, PROLIFIC POSSIBILITIES ARE BROUGHT INTO CREATION. This resonance occurs over and over and over and over again, reLiving it’s ORIGINal Purpose, thus MAKING IT ALIVE.
Our Natural voice, our VOICE OF INTEGRITY, comes from our core. From our centre. From our HeART. Which IS wHere DIVINE TRUTH AND ORDER ABIDES. IT COMES FROM OUR QUINTESSENCE.
When you speak with your Natural Voice and your Voice of INTEGRITY you Will feel AFFIRMED IN LIFE, and through that you WILL AFFIRM LIFE.
Your Voice IS a channel for your INTEGRITY. IN ancient Greek and Roman civilizations and societies it was said that if an INdividual spoke with integritas (or INtegrity) that it INdicated that they are / WEre of sound Nature. The relationship BEtween INtegrity and sound IS IN the very etymology of the WORD INtegrity. To BE of SOUNDNESS.
Many people are IN an INTERNAL WAR of Choosing whether they Will use their everyday Voice or their Voice of INtegrity.
The everyday Voice IS the voice that WE have adapted IN order to BElong and to BE granted the space and the LIBERTY to exist withIN a collective. The everyday Voice IS the Voice that WE have adapted that reflects the role that WE have BEen assigned or the role that WE have unconsciously subscribed to.
The “everyday” and NORMAL Voice IS different from our VOICE OF INTEGRITY OR OUR NATURAL VOICE. How big or small or subtle or profound thIS difference IS can vary throughout our Lives.
Our everyday Voice IS fragmented. It’s disconnected from our HeART (and God). It’s the filtered and censored version of our Voice of INtegrity. It’s the most diluted and Watered down version of our Voice. WE ALL Know what that Voice IS. That voice of INTEGRITY. That NATURAL VOICE. However, people lack the courage to SPEAK it. I often contemplate the irony of disownINg what IS BELoved to you, IN order to BE BELoved to others … under false pretences of course. And thereIN lies the illusion. The illusion of BEINg Loved. Of BELONGING. It’s not WHOLE. So how can it BE Love? How can it BE BELONGING?
You WEre BORN BELOVED, as a CHILD OF GOD first and foremost. When you Know AGAPE (the Highest form of Love which IS God's Love) ... you never waiver from that centre and from that CORE.
So many of us Live IN fragments. WE speak half Truths. WE Live half Truths. So many of us BElong IN fragments, BEcause WE do not speak with crystallinity, confidence and conviction.
How much Truth do you tell? IS IT THE WHOLE TRUTH? IS it the partial Truth? IS it the preferred Truth? What IS the preferred Truth? Where does that come from? Did you Choose that?
WE are conditioned to hold back, to BE reserved, to censor ourSelves, to silence ourSelves, to do a cost BEnefit analysis BEfore WE speak ~ so to analyze and thINk rather than express and emBody.
WE HAVE BEEN TAUGHT TO EQUATE OUR VOICE OF INTEGRITY WITH LIABILITY. Whether it BE social, professional, Familial, romantic and so on.
The Nature of your Voice of INtegrity can only BE uneARThed by givINg yourSelf permission to express from your CORE. AND TO KNOW THAT THAT IS ONE OF THE HIGHEST EXPRESSIONS, EMBODIMENTS AND ACTS OF LOVE THAT EXISTS.
When you Live your Life The Truth, you ultimately feel good .. and your LIFE FOLLOWS SUIT. The result of BElievINg IN lies, and defendINg lies Creates what WE call evil … what WE Know as separation and sufferINg, what WE Know as conflict and division. What WE Know as fragmentation and dis-ease. BElievINg IN lies and SPEAKING them Creates ALL of the injustice of, and disHarmony IN the world.
It IS Heaven to Live IN Truth .. IN Love. It IS hell to Live IN Lie … IN fear, IN separation, IN disorder, IN disease, IN disharmony.
THE REASON I VALUE TRUTH-TELLING SO MUCH IS because I used to lie a lot as a Child / teenager (to protect mySelf, and to survive). And it absolutely devastated my sense of Self (and my sense of Purity and INnocence) to feel like I had no Choice but to lie. It took a lot of emotional alchemy and refININg my emotional fluency, literacy and INtelligence to arrive IN a place where I AM deeply Devoted to The Truth … no matter how uncomfortable it makes me, or someOne else.
Fundamentally, what I’ve come to Know through my own personal experience IS that people lie out of FEAR (of not BELONGING or BEINg abandoned by or banished from the tribe). So it’s fundamentally a defense / survival / protective mechanism. The unINtegrated INNER CHILD IN you FEARS THE CONSEQUENCES OF BEING TRUTHFUL. The unINtegrated Maiden IN you fears the consequences of BEING Truthful. BEcause so many of us have BEen unconsciously taught by our Parents / caregivers and society at large, to lie IN the face of discomfort or potential consequences (and WE carry thIS on and out INto adulthood). So many of us have BEen unconsciously taught by our Parents / caregivers and society to forfeit our Truth and our INTEGRITY to secure LOVE AND CARE. So many of us are unconsciously taught that “it’s okay to lie situationally / circumstantially” OR to BEND the Truth or that y(our) survival IS contingent on lyINg.
It IS so important that you are an INVITING SPACE FOR TRUTH. IN the past, I was Highly emotionally reactive and Naturally that co-Created an environment that was conducive to lyINg (BEcause people Knew I couldn’t “handle the Truth,” if you Will). So, many times people not only lie to protect themSelves, but also to PROTECT YOU because you have displayed that you are not able to hold what IS uncomfortable aka The Truth (and there’s some level of victim-saviour complex / codependency at play tHere as WELL).
Neale Donald Walsch refers to five levels of Truth-tellINg.
- TellINg the Truth to yourSelf about yourSelf. ThIS IS the foundational piece. If you cannot Choose thIS, All the other levels cannot exist. You can only extend TRUTH outward, if you are anchored INto Truth INWARD first and foremost. It IS only by BELONGING first to God (and through that Self) that you can BELONG to the WHOLE.
- Then tellINg the Truth to yourSelf about another. That IS, BEINg Truthful to yourSelf about someOne who plays a significant role IN your Life, for example.
- Then tellINg the Truth to another about yourSelf. That IS, BEINg Truthful to someOne IN your Life about yourSelf (about wHere you are at, what you Desire, what you need, what you prefer, what your boundary IS, when you require support, for example).
- Then tellINg the Truth about another to that other. That IS, to reflect The Truth to someOne about THEMSELVES. THere IS a way to do thIS that does not have to BE INflammatory - and it starts with offerINg an opportUNITY CONSENT (like askINg: “are you open to recievINg a reflection from me?” for example).
IN my personal Truth system, and experience, once you have gone through All 5 levels of Truth-tellINg, thIS expression and emBodiment IS simply an extension of your very BEINg. It IS not something you do. It IS something you ARE. It IS a callINg that many receive, but that FEW answer.
When you do answer, this expression and emBodiment of Truth BEcomes and IS pronounced IN your PRESENCE alone. This IS a GREAT responsibility to HOLD. A Truth-teller must BE ripe and ready to set aside their primal need to preserve the Self to serve the GREATER UNFOLDING.
Truth-tellers often deliver messages without “thINkINg”, for thought IS not a part of their process. Their message speaks exclusively from the HeART. It IS said that it IS the Heart that IS the bridge BEtween Heaven and EARTh. The Voice IS what pulsates The Truth, and the INtegrity and crystallINity of that Truth INto Eternity.
Truth doesn't need to BE proven, propagandized, preached about, fought over, or defended.
The Truth-telling IS not an act of resistance. It IS an act of restoration … through BEINg spoken. It IS an act of alchemy. The resonance of Truth Will always alchemize the field around itSelf. It Will Create ripples and reverberations of resonance, that Will restore the primal and signature note of All.
As a Truth-teller you Will BE both LOVED AND HATED. As a Truth-teller you Will BE both respected and maltreated. Many people Will resist accountability and responsibility, especially when they have perceived you as the person who IS “makINg” or holdINg them accountable or responsible. Many people Will BE offended by your Truth-tellINg. Many people Will wish ill upon you.. And JUST as many people, if not more, Will thank you. Celebrate you. REMEMBER YOU IN times of doubt. BE INspired by you. Receive it as an INvitation.
It IS not a popular role to play … however it IS a prolific role to play. Especially IN a time that demands safe spaces, INclusive spaces, trigger warnINgs, and a degree of political correctness that IS FERTILE breedINg ground for censorship and toxic tribalism.
It’s the dawn of a new day, and the Name of that day IS Truth.
For those who have ears, and more importantly HeARTs to hear, and more importantly to LISTEN …. it IS a warm and WELLCOME message. One they have BEen opening themSelves up to for who Knows how long.
To BE Truthful IS a sign of RESPECT. It IS a reflection of the respect you have for the person with whom you are sharINg The Truth, BEcause you have FAITH IN their ability to take action and make a Choice upon receivINg The Truth. You act from a place of KNOWING that IN order for a person to determINe their own course of action and CHOICE that they require nothINg less than Truthful INformation. The provision of Truthful INformation IS the only way to enable them to make fully emBodied CHOICES and to take fully emBodied action. LyINg IS a breach of the autonomy of the person, and contradicts collectivist concepts that lead to OVERALL and OVERFLOWING social WELLth and WELLBEINg.
Truth-tellers are here to SERVE, and liars are HERE TO BE SERVED (under the guise of ServINg others). Read that agaIN.
It takes courage to abide IN Truth.
Courage meanINg HeART, INnermost core and without fear.
The opposite of courage IS cowardice.
WE have BEen taught that cowardice IS ontological. That IS essential to our BEIng and the quality of our Lives. IN my personal Truth system, cowardice IS neither Life-preserving nor Life-affirming. Cowardice IS the Birth place of complacency and conformity.
I propose that courage IS ontological. That IS essential to our being and the quality of our Lives. Courage IS how WE return to Love. Courage IS how WE RESTORE OUR FAITH. Courage IS also Creative and generative. Courage IS One of the Highest expressions, emBodiments and acts of FAITH. Courage IS not an autonomous, self-generated virtue. Courage IS always produced by Faith.
When WE speak with crystallinity, confidence and conviction our resonance IS felt. That resonance IS an access point for remembrance, restoration, revelation and reconciliation.
When WE All Choose to speak and sINg our primal and signature note WE Will Create greater and deeper resonance withIN the Whole. The sINgular dissolvINg INto a collective wHere WE can realize and remember the Truth of our synarchy, BElonging, unity, Harmony and mutuality.
Courage IS ontological BEcause it gives us this HUMBLING and profound sense of commUNION with and responsibility for THE WORLD and everyOne IN it.
Those who are courageous REVEAL Truth. Those who are cowardly conceal it. The courageous Ones Know that the Truth IS never a threat or a cost. The courageous Ones Know that what IS the real threat and cost IS INaction when it comes to VoicINg and soundINg TRUTH. Those who are courageous consider context and scale. They have a zoomed out lens. Those who are cowardly only consider RIGHT NOW. They have a zoomed IN lens.
The archetypal energy’s at play Here are the unINtegrated Maiden and the INtegrated Mother.
Courageous action IS concerned with long term consequences. Cowardly action IS only concerned with immediate consequence. Our actions today have resonant consequences for tomorrow, the next month, the next year and the next generation(s). The courageous Ones are principle-driven and value-oriented. A significant aspect of the INitiation from Maiden to Mother IS a graduation from fear to Love. A reorientation from survival to thrival. A reorientation from ME to WE. LearnINg how to speak from The Truth rather than lies. LearnINg how to transcend the need to AVOID INDIVIDUAL DEATH and anchorINg INto the HeART-Centered Desire to PRESERVE ALL OF LIFE.
Despite ALL the relational fragmentations WE have All INHERited, WE Know IN our HeART's ... IN our CORES, that WE remain INvolved participants IN complex WEbs of co-Creation. WE Know IN our HeART's ... IN our CORES, that contINual Creation depends on our contINual INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION IN AND WITH LIFE. THIS REQUIRES US TO BE TRUTHFUL.
DurINg the Creative and generative Choice and action to USE YOUR VOICE OF INTEGRITY / TO RESONATE WITH YOUR PRIMAL AND SIGNATURE NOTE / TO SPEAK YOUR TRUTH you affirm YOURSELF IN such a way as to affirm your BEINg both as an INDIVIDUAL and as a part of a greater Whole.
As you contINue to use your Voice of INtegrity you BEcome and ARE more engaged with Life, more unified, more Whole, more Harmonized, AND MORE CAPABLE OF PERCEIVING AND THEREFORE EXPERIENCING AND THEREFORE CREATING OR RE-CREATING THE MEANINGFUL.
ORIGINALLY The Word and THE VOICE was a way to commune with God. With Truth. With Love. With Life. To EVOKE God’s Presence. To bring US closer to God. To Truth. To Love. To Life.
ThIS IS what it means to BE elevated. ThIS IS what it means to BE exalted. ThIS IS what it means to BE dignified. This IS what it means to BE BEstowed with Honor and Grace. This IS what it means to BE ENNOBLED.
To use Your Word and your Voice for enLivenment.
If any shame arises for you as you reflect on moments wHere you have self-abandoned, self-BEtrayed, self-sabotaged or self-sacrificed by not speakINg The Whole Truth, offer yourSelf GRACE.
These are All opportUNITY's to return to Love and to resore your Faith. SomethINg to support you IN alchemizINg thIS shame IS admittance and through that admittance, deliverance. Admittance can sound like: "I Chose to speak a half Truth IN that moment to PRESERVE MYSELF." ThIS IS The Way to restore what you have perceived as forfeited and “lost”. From tHere, that moment wHere you “lacked courage” IS no longer a site of separation but a lINk back to INTEGRITY & WHOLENESS. It takes courage to own moments of cowardice. You are restorINg your courage through that OWNERSHIP. This IS the epitome of TRUTH-TELLING AS ALCHEMY!
I offer you these questions as opportUNITY’s (a port to Unity) for deeper and further INtegration.
What does it feel like IN your Body to say what you THINK IS UNSPEAKABLE? Does it feel contractive? Does it feel expansive? Does it feel available to you?
Which tonality do you usually speak with?
Which Words do you usually Choose?
How do you describe your Voice?
How have others described your Voice to you?
Does your Voice sound more monotonous or IS it more expressive?
Do you mumble, fully enunciate Words, speak fast, say um or like a lot?
When you speak do you speak with confidence or does your Voice lack conviction?
IS tHere a subtle, or not so subtle shake IN your Voice? Always? Or IN certain circumstances? If so, what are the common themes?
IS your Voice commandINg or INvitINg?
IN a moment of conflict resolution with someOne else can you remain effective IN your communication without raisINg your Voice?
Do you have INsecurity’s about what your Voice NATURALLY sounds like? Have you attempted to “normalize” the sound of your Voice by forcefully re-attuning its signature and PRIMAL note?
“Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth-telling, truth speaking, truth living and truth loving.” — James E. Faust