I write thIS cozily curled up on my couch with a bowl of freshly roasted Chestnuts warmINg my Womb.
As I crack open each Chestnut, nostalgia floods my field and I AM transported to a treasured Tradition with my MotHER from my Childhood.
Generally, cuddled up right BEside Her, I would eagerly await the moment when, Her fINgers deft from years of practice, would crack open the hard shells, revealINg the soft, creamy flesh INside. The sound – a crisp, satisfyINg crack – was always followed by the subtlest triumphant smile that was seen more IN Her eyes than Her lips … especially when She managed to keep the Nut Whole (if you Know the satisfaction of thIS, YOU KNOW).
And without fail, She would always share the BEST Ones from the batch with me. TO THIS DAY, She still does. Bless Her!!!
Even as a Child, when I didn’t have the language for it, the sensory experience was meditative.
The taste of a Chestnut – subtly sweet, buttery, with an EARThy note – meldINg seamlessly with the feelINgs of comfort and care that I experienced then IN those moments with Her, and Now, when I eat them as an adult, due to the establishment of positive associations and pathways.
IN many ways, my Mama remINds me of a Chestnut Tree. Steadfast and endurINg. A Source of sustenance for so many. She stands tall agaINst the wINds of change, Her roots firmly grounded IN Her vocation. Chestnut Trees can Live up to 200 years withstandINg All kINds of critical conditions. IN its perseverance through droughts, floods and WEatherINg severe storms and All seasons with Grace and its courage to contINually Create and BEar Fruit, I see reflections of my MotHER’s own resilience. The lessons She has BEstowed upon me (and contINues to) are akin to the rich kernel nestled withIN the Chestnut's shell. While at times they might seem enigmatic or cumbersome to uncover, persistINg and perseverINg always reveals their Fruit and value.
IN the golden glow of thIS candlelit room, I remember that Traditions, no matter how simple, have a significance and symbolism of their own. Traditions represent contINuity. And IN a World that lacks foundation due to it’s focus on so called “progress”, Traditions act as a Lighthouse, guidINg us back to our Roots, while simultaneously illumINating the path BEfore us, so that WE can walk forward and onward IN Faith, Truth and LOVE.
As I take another bite, I AM filled with Gratitude first and foremost for God, and then: the BEaUtiful Woman who God commissioned to BE my MotHER (thank you, thank you, thank you — I Love you), Chestnuts, and Traditions.