Truth has NO path, no agenda, no conclusion, no destination, no arrival and no resting place.

That IS the beauty of truth .. it IS Living. It IS in motion. It IS ever-informed. It IS ever-evolving.

Truth IS in no book, temple, church or ashram.

Truth cannot BE bestowed upon you by a religion, a teacher, a shaman or a monk.

Truth doesn't need to BE proven, propagandized, preached about, fought over, or defended.

Nobody and nothing can lead you to "the Truth" ... because it IS what you ARE.


Let me paint you a picture of what I mean when I say Truth IS Living, in motion, ever-informed and ever-evolving ...

Okay so yesterday, you had an experience which inevitably taught you something / expanded your field of consciousness ... and what it taught you BEcomes a new authority (and therefore, template) by which you perceive, operate in, project into and therefore experience the world.The authority of yesterday IS as insignificant as the authority (or template) of a thousand years. It IS just as outdated. It seizes to BE relevant when your Truth system is UPDATED / UPGRADED, you see?

Yesterday = a dead authority.

To INnerstand yourSelf (yourcellpH) requires no authority (or template) of yesterday, or of a thousand years because you are a LIVING thing.

To INnerstand yourSelf (yourcellpH) requires unwavering Devotion to this MOMENT. This Eternal Now.

To Know Truth IS to Know this Moment. And every Moment after that.

With Divine Intentions,

Your Mirror