Motivation IS a Powerful force that drives us to take action towards accessing our FULL POTENTIAL. It can BE categorized INto two main types: extrinsic motivation and INtrinsic motivation.

Extrinsic motivation IS externally sourced and comes from external factors such as rewards, punishments, recognition or physical accolades, while INtrinsic motivation IS INternally sourced and comes from withIN, such as personal INjoyment or a sense of resonance. It IS self-sourced and self-generated. 

While both types of motivation can BE effective IN driving BEhavior, they differ significantly IN their long-term impact on our sense of Self and identity.

Extrinsic motivation IS often the primary form of motivation that IS INstilled IN us from childhood. This type of motivation IS INformed by external stimulus / stimuli. The WHY of our BEhavior, Choice and action BEINg imposed on us, rather than self-INitiated through us. WE are taught and INcentivized to strive for external rewards such as good grades, praise from our parents, or a High-paying job, to name a few examples. These reward and conversely, punishment systems, are typically based on societal expectations, rather than our own personal Desires, Will, INterests and passions. As a result, WE may BEgin to prioritize this extrinsic motivation and the external rewards that follow, over our own INtrinsic motivation. 

INtrinsic motivation, comes from withIN and IS driven by our own personal Desires, Will, INterests and passions. This type of motivation IS INformed by INternal stimulus / stimuli. It IS often associated with a sense of autonomy, majesty, Peace and purpose. When WE are INtrinsically motivated, WE are more likely to persist and persevere, even IN the face of challenges, obstacles and resistance. 

INtrinsic motivation IS God-given. It’s a SPIRIT that comes aLive withIN you and IS moved through you. Extrinsic motivation IS society-given. Where you prioritize the predetermined success and prosperity blueprints Created by society for you, rather than accessing and anchoring INto the God-given GOLDPRINT that Lives IN your CORE (your Heart), where your success and prosperity IS INHerent and INnate. 

IN my personal experience and Truth system, INtrinsic motivation IS INHERently Life-affirming and Life-giving, while extrinsic motivation IS INHERently Life-draining and Life-depleting.

While extrinsic motivation can BE effective IN driving short-term BEhavior, it can have negative long-term effects on our Choices and actions.

I propose that BEINg extrinsically motivated negatively effects our sense of Self and identity. IN the long-term it causes disconnect, dis-ease, disHarmony and disorder (withIN and therefore without). BEINg extrinsically motivated IS often associated with a sense of shame and a sense of BEINg an imposter or BEINg a fraud. This IS the case BEcause often times this requires us to go against ourSelves and to fragment ourSelves IN order to achieve or attain. It comes with the notion that respect, dignity, worth and value have to BE earned. It comes with a gripping energy where WE learn to depend on external validation to reINforce our sense of worth, value and deservedness. It keeps us LivINg IN a state of amnesia and the trance of our deficiency. The trance of deficiency has us Living IN excess. Where WE have everything WE need to SURVIVE, and everything WE Desire to THRIVE .. yet it’s NEVER ENOUGH. And it’s this (mis)sense of NOT ENOUGHNESS that IS misleading us off our PUREST, HOLIEST … most WHOLESOME PATH. The trance of deficiency Creates the inability to fully REST and settle INto Life. The trance of deficiency IS a prison that prevents us from BELONGING TO THE WORLD. TO LIFE. The trance of unworthiness, of deficiency, of IMPERFECTION, sustained by the movement of  striving BEgins to lift when you stop the Choice and the action (that IS coming from that entranced place). It keeps us LivINg on hedonic treadmill. Many of the Great ancients teach us that suffering arises out of feeling separate … that pain comes from forgetting our WHOLENESS and fullness. To the degree that WE are identified as a separate and fragmented Self, WE Will have the feeling or sense that something IS wrong, that something IS missing. When WE are extrinsically motivated, WE engage IN BEhavior not BEcause WE sincerely INjoy it or find it fulfilling or find it meaningful … WE engage IN BEhavior with an AGENDA, expecting to get something IN return and to avoid something unpleasant or the discomfort of disappointing / offending others by not subscribing to a role they have assigned to us (that WE have INternalized). This can lead to a lack of engagement and enthusiasm as WELL as a decrease IN overAll Creativity, INspiration and INnovation. WE are also more likely to engage IN unethical or immoral BEhavior (that goes against our core values and moral compass) if WE BElieve that WE can BEnefit from it.

What I have come to Know through my own personal and Lived experience, IS that extrinsic motivation IS driven by our lower centres and comes from SIN BEcause more times than not, what externally motivates us requires us to go against (ourSelves) (which IS the literal definition of sin). That IS, to fragment ourSelves to externally BElong, to externally BE BELoved, to externally BE favoured, to externally BE justified and to externally BE glorified. On the contrary, INtrinsic motivation IS driven by our Higher centres and IS deeply Heart-centred and Heart-Willed and comes from a place of SINCERITY. Sincerity meaning to BE free from falsehood … and I Will add, to BE free from fragmentation. That IS, to operate from a place of KNOWING your INborn BELovedness. To operate from a place of WHOLENESS. To operate from a place of Knowing that by BEINg born, by BREATHING LIFE and by LivINg from the INtegrity, INnocence and PURITY of your Heart that you are a walking GIFT. 

To break free from the shackles of extrinsic motivation, WE must learn to prioritize our INtrinsic motivation. This means taking the time and space to detox All of the extrinsic motivation from your system so that you can connect with what really DRIVES YOU. You as you. Not you as the roles that have BEen assigned to you and that you have unconsciously subscribed to. This means learning how to diligently and Devotedly self-source VALIDATION. To affirm yourSelf IN what you Choose for yourSelf and what you act on. Knowing that whatever God places IN your Heart IS Blessed, Bountiful and BEAUTIFUL and of Service to the collective WEb of Life. 

An example of an extrinsic motivation that used to BE THE driving force IN my Life (that I Know Will resonate with so many of you) ~ pleasing my Mother. Achieving, attaining and succeeding IN the ways that I Know She respects. IN order to prove Her wrong (BEcause of how much doubt and criticism She projected onto me). IN order to convince Her to finally BE proud of me, IN a really tangible way. And let me tell you … it was fucking draining. It was a dark cloud that loomed over me and that put SO much pressure on me, that I collapsed under the WEight of. It completely disabled my Organic Creative genius and INtelligence from coming online … and Truthfully, there WEre so many days where I felt dead on the INside because of how much I had strayed away from my core and crystalline centre BEINg extrinsically motivated IN this way. I pedestalized Her expectations of me … and I got LOST IN it. BEINg driven by pleasing my Mother INevitably meant going against mySelf. BErating mySelf. BEtraying mySelf. Abandoning mySelf. Sabotaging mySelf. Sacrificing mySelf. I thank God everyday for BEstowing upon me the courage to (re)Create my Life from a place of INtrinsic motivation. I have never felt more at Peace and more IN PROSPERITY …  and I pray that you give yourSelf permission to do the same.

Here IS a poem I wrote to capture this essence.

IN the depths of my Soul, I found a light,

A spark of INspiration, burning bright.

No longer driven by external forces,

But by the passion that my Heart endorses.

No more the need for validation,

From those around me, IN their own fixation.

I stand tall, True to mySelf,

Focused on my own INner WELLth.

The road may BE unpaved, the path unKnown,

But my Heart sings with a resonant tone.

For I AM no longer bound by chains,

Of expectations and external gains.

The peace I've found, it's like a balm,

That soothes my soul, like a Healing psalm.

With each step, I feel Lighter still,

As I feel the embrace of God’s Will.

And IN this newfound sense of clarity,

I see a world filled with opportUNITY.

For when WE are driven by our INner fire,

WE can access All that WE Desire.

So let us Choose to BE INtrinsically motivated,

And find the Bounty and Beauty that was once tainted.

For withIN our Hearts, lies the key,

To a Life filled with Peace and Prosperity.

May this feel like a soft landing for you BELoved.

With Love,
